Chapter 5

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"Ashton, we don't have a lot of juniors that play," Luke says. Luke nods his head at a guy. "Hey, I'm Josh or Joshy my girlfriend calls me that. I play Wide receiver," A guy with glasses says. I nod and look at the next one. "I'm Austin, I play tight-end and I box," The pretty one said. "I'm Zach Attack, I play right tackle," the cocky one said. "I'm Michael and I play safety," the quiet one says. "Alright Zach your name is Cocky, Josh is Josh, and Michael is shy," I say pointing at them. 

"Now you know us, tell us about you," Zach demands.  "First off names Ashton or Ash, no nicknames. I've been playing football since I was in seventh grade. At my old school I played anything and everything," I tell them. "How old are you?" Michael asks. "I am almost seventeen," I reply. 'So what movie do you wanna watch when we get to the cabin?" Jake asks. "Fast and the furious or snitch," I yell. "Wait cabin?" I ask confused. "Yeah all of the us are going to Luke's cabin this weekend," Jake says. "Oh, well have fun," I say. "Do you want to come?" Luke asks shyly. "Sure, can we stop by house to get clothes?" I ask excitedly. "Yeah, come on lets go," Luke says smiling.

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