Chapter 11

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Ashton's p.o.v 

I woke up to the alarm blaring. I buried my head into my pillow's head. Wait this is to hard to be a pillow? I open my eyes and see Luke. I smile and kiss his cheek. "Wake up Lucas," I say shaking him. He starts to wake up. "Let me sleep," he says.  I get up and straddle him, but if you don't I'll tickle you," I reply moving my hand to his waist.  He throws me off and grabs my hands. "Lets get dressed," He mumbles walking into his bathroom. I smirk and start getting dressed.  He comes out in a he's normal clothes. "Well do I look hot or hot," he says smirking. I look him up and down and say "Def hot! I could just smash you right now." He's eyes widen and I walk out the door. We walk out to his truck and head to the school. We pull into the parking lot and the guys are waiting for us. "Coach wants us to meet right after school till 6 tonight man," Austin complains. I smack him across the back of his head. "Grow up or don't play this week," Luke says. We walk into the school and the school sluts look at Luke and me and whisper something. "Hey Lukie," Samantha the number one slut says pushing her boobs out. Luke doesn't even look he just waves. She glares at me. I flip her off and walk to my first period. I sit down in the middle of a table and Luke and Jake sit on either sides of me. "Luke I have an idea," I whisper to him. "When Samantha and the sluts walk in lets pretend we like each other." He smirks and high-fives me. "Yes," he says. He scoots closer to me and throws his arms around my shoulder.  Samantha walks in and sits next to Luke.  I look at Jake wink. I lean closer to Luke and kiss him softly on the lips and says "Thanks for ride last night Luke I had fun." He looks at me shocked and Samantha looks pissed.  I look at Samantha and say "Look he don't want you because you probably have an STD, now the star football player belongs with the football player." She looks at me with evil eyes and stands up and smacks me. I laugh at her and Luke tightens his grip around me.  "I'll get you back." The teacher walks in and starts the class.


I got geared up and walk down to the field. "Hey Ash how'd the run through go yesterday?" Coach asks. "Good. I think we might be able to run it Friday," I reply grabbing my helmet. The guys come down from the locker room and we get busy. Coach makes us run about three laps from field goal to field goal. Then we finally get to the actual practice. I grab a drink of water quickly. "Ashton I want you to play QB for this play," Coach says pulling out Luke. I smack Luke's butt and take my place. We run a few more plays before he tells us to run a lap then go change  and meet back down here.  "Hey Ash wanna stay again?" Luke asks. "Nahh I need to go home and see my mom," I reply walking into the girl locker room. I grab my duffel bag and head out to the field. "So Friday is away game. However I am allowing you to take your own vechiles so you don't have to ride the bus home. Just remember if we loose we have practice saturday," Coach says. We do a team high-five and head home. I start to walk home when I see Luke's truck pull up next to me. "Hey get in I'll give you a ride home," He says stopping the truck. I hop in and we start talking about the game. "So I get my car back Thursday do you just want to ride with me to the game?" I ask Luke. "Yeah my truck is a gas hog," He replies.  He pulls up to my driveway. "Hey I'll pick you up tomorrow," He tells me before leaving. I walk in and make dinner. Little did everyone know my family isn't perfect. Far from it actually.

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