Chapter 18

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EDITED Ashton's

After the fight and after I showered I went to the hospital to check up on Josh. I was the only one besides family that was allowed to see him, because his dad said something but I can't remeber what. I walked into the room and sat down. "Josh I  won my fights tonight. Got first place. I'm going to the next tournment. I hope your awake to see me at that one. It's weird hanging out with guys without you and Luke. Everything has changed. I'm hanging out with Jake and you more than ever."

Josh's p.o.v*

I hear Ashton talk and I try to open my eyes again. But I couln't so instead I squeezed her hand. "Come on Josh open your eyes," She coos. I try again and I see a bright light. "Holy crap," Ashton says. She gets up and runs to the door to get the doctor. The doctor comes in. 'Well Josh you come out of a coma a lot quicker than most. What helped you?" He asks. I point at Ashton and she looks shocked. The doctor told Ashton to leave so he could take breathing tube out and do some tests. Ashton said she was going  to call my mom and dad. The doctor took the tube out and Ashton came back in with some water. "The nurse was going to bring it to you but she looked scared too because I'm here," She mumbles. I nod my head and take a drink. "Drink slowly man," she says "How long was I out?" I ask. "Three days," She replies. My parents and brother walk into the room. "I'll let you guys have family time," Ashton tells us walking out of the door. I have a great friend. My mom walks over to me. "We only let Ashton visit because none of the guys even called to ask how you were," My dad says angrily. "Them boys have known you longer but they don't even try to see how you were," he contuines. I sigh.

Ashton's p.o.v

I was listening to his dad and I found out no one else tried to see how he was. I get out my phone and text a group message

To: Jake, Austin, Josh D, Drew, Ben, Luke, Colton

Really? You guys call yourself friends? You guys didn't even check on Josh! How pathetic. Team meeting my house 10 minutes. If your not there you're off the team.

I press send and start going to my car. They are not going to like what I have to say to them. I grip the steering wheel all the way to my house. I pull into my driveway and see everyone was there. I hop out and someone tried to speak. I raise my hand and yell "Back yard now." I think they all knew I was very mad. "Take a seat on the grass," I tell them. They do as said. "You know as a captian I try to make sure everyone is part of the family. We're not just friends, we're family. Right now we're not acting like a family. So we're going camping. No phones but one that is for emergancies only. The only numbers it will call is parents, coach and 911. I've already talked to coach. He agrees with me. So I'll let you guys go home and pack be at mine in an hour. Anyone who doesn't show up to the trip will be benched for the rest of the season," I tell them. "Where are wwe going exactally?" Josh D asks. "Coach's cabin it's about and hour drive. There's nothing but forest," I tell them. "Dismissed," I yell. Everyone goes into there car and I call Josh. *ring* *ring*

"Hey what's up?" Josh answers.

"Listen man I over heard your dad. I'm making the team go on trip to start acting like a family. I just want you to get better. So we can have you back on the field," I tell him. I hear him breathe before he answers.

"Alright. But if anyone gives you a hard time tell me and I'll kick some butt," He tells me. I laugh and say goodbye. I go up to my room and start packing.

*Joshs p.o.v*

Text after text came to my phone. I text them back telling the how mad I am at them. I get countless sorry's but I don't care. You were suppose to my friend but you didn't care to check up on me. The only person who cared was Ashton. My own girlfriend for over two years didn't check up on me. I decided to text her.

To: Baby girl <3: Why didn't you ever check on me?

From Baby girl<3:" OMG You're awake!! And becausse it hurt me to see you lifeless." I roll my eyes and my phone starts ringing it was my girlfriend. I answer and I hear her talking to some guy.

"He's awake... I can't keep cheating on him." My heart shatters. I spoke up. "Well it's not cheating now. We're over." I hear a gasp and some grabbing the phone. "Baby it's not what you think." I hear. I scoff and hang up. I text Ashton.

To Ashtyy: She was cheating on me.

From Ashtyy: Want me to beat her up? I can swing by there before I go to the cabin >:(

I laugh and reply "Nahh it's all good. I'll beat her in her own game :P" I fall back asleep.

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