Chapter 9

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Ashton's p.o.v 

We arrived at the school and Luke called us all over to his locker. "I don't know if we're gonna have practice today. Coach called and said he was sick," He told us. "Luke you can coach today. But I wanna show you a play that coach sent me the other day," I tell him. All the guys look at me. "Don't stare assholes," I mumble. I walk to the locker room putting my stuff in my locker.

*****LUKE'S P.O.V************

Oh god. What play did he show her?! We might die. I walk to the locker room putting my stuff in my locker and walk back to first period. Where I was met by Ashton handing me a peice of paper with a play drew on it. This play looks familiar... "Ashton is this the play he came up with but only used it once?" I ask shocked. She smirks and nods. "He said if anyone can pull it off it's this years Varsity team. So what do you say captian?" She asks. I look at her and nod. "Lets do it," I respond.

********ASHTON'S P.O.V*********************

All throughout the day I couldn't pay attention in class. I was busy thinking of the new play. "Ashton are you paying attention or in day dream land?" the teacher asks. "Well sir you see I was thinking about how much my doggie could be suffering right now. She's in labor and dying from it," I say. "Uh huh whats your dogs name?" The teacher asks quirking and eyebrow. "Annabeth," I reply. "So Louise is in labor," he says. "Yeah," I reply. "Wrong you said your dogs name was Annabeth," He says smirking.

******At practice********

"Alright so we are going to try a new play today," Luke tells the team. "Ashton will you draw it on the chalk board and then the white board?" Luke asks. I nod and start drawing it. When I finish I see some of the players looking at us like we're crazy. "Look Coach wouldn't of given me the play if he thought our team couldn't do it. So lets show him we are not weak like his past players he had do this play," I say standing up. All the juniors stood up and looked at the team. "Look we joined to be a team and try our hardest and do what the coach wants us to and what he wants us try. If he thinks we can do it then we can," Luke says. The whole team heads out to the field and we began trying to teach them the play.

***********AFTER PRACTICE*****

"Well that went a lot better than expected," Austin says joining us on bleachers. "Yeah I'll call coach tonight and tell him we tried the play," Luke says getting up. I stay put. "You coming Ash?" Luke asks. I shake my head no and look at the field. "Hey you guys go ahead I'm going to stay with Ashton for bit," Luke says sitting back down next to me. "What wrong?" Luke aks. "My brother died a couple year ago due to football. I just hope I'm not making the same mistake a him," I say feeling like crying. Luke wraps his arms around me and brings me closer to him. "Hey you're not. You're one of the most careful and best players I've seen," He tells me. I start crying on his shoulder. "C'mon you can spend the night at my house," he says wrapping and arm around my shoulder and taking me to his truck.



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