Chapter 14

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Luke's p.o.v 

I woke up to the guys screaming at each other about football. Ashton stirs and says, "You're all wrong the Jaguars are gonna win this year."  I start to tickle her. "Stop or I'll knee you in the nuts," She yells. I stop and throw her off of the couch. "Fuck no," I yells grabbing a pillow  and covering my groin. She giggles and stands up heading upstairs. "Awh you guys look so cute together," Austin says making kissing faces. I punch his arms and walk away. I go upstairs and hear the shower running. I smirk nd walk in. I made sure the person was Ashton. I start to strip and hop in behind her. I wrap my arms around her waist and say "Saving water this way."  She gasp and turns around. I look up and down her body and start to get excited. She smirks and starts to palm me. Then she walks out of the shower and go to get dressed.  I groan and start to fix my problem. "I'd help if we were dating butthead," She yells at me. I chuckle. I hear walk out and hop out and get dressed.  I walk downstairs and the guys and Ashton are looking at me smirking. "Saving water this way aye?" Jake asks. I smirk and nod. The guys look at me and smirk. "Luke my friend you got a problem downstairs," Ashton says smirking.  All the guys start laughing. I flip Ashton off. "Your a butthead," I say. We head down to the lake where theres a bunch of girls. One girl came up to me and starts flirting. I see Ashton look uncomfortable then leaves. "Hey Luke great game the other day," Ashley says to me. "Um thanks but it was Ashton that needs the thanks," I say walking away. "Yeah well she doesn't deserve to be on the team. I mean how many of you she sleeping with," Ashley says a little to loud. I see Ashton starting to walk over. I yell ,"Jake stop her." Jake looks at Ashton and stands back for her to move through the crown easier.  Ash makes it over to us. "You're talking about again Ashley. People like you make me piss off. Always saying shit about people behind their back. How bout you say it to my face," Ash growls. 

******ASHTON'S P.O.V**********************************

I see Ashley look shock because I called her out.  "Alright bitch, You don't deserve to play football. I would have been able to date Lucuas this year if you didn't come. You ruined everything. But I will still get him," Ashley tells me. I start to laugh.  "Alright listen here. Luke do you want her?" I ask him. He shakes his head no. "So Luke don't want you. So you neeed to find  a new person to obess over," I say laughing at her. She huffs and turns around.  I walk down to the water and sit on the sand. I start to think about maybe I should stop liking Luke. I don't want him to get hurt. I sigh and start taking off my clothes. I need to swim. I walk into the water and got knee deep. I dove in and start swimming.  I come up and look at how far I swam. I groan and started to swim back.  When I get there I see the only person is Jake standing there waiting for me. "How long was I gone?" I ask.  He looks at me "About a half hour I got worried.  I thought maybe you got hurt. I was about to take the boat and find you," Jake confesses. "Oh man I'm sorry Jakey," I pout and wrap him in a hug.  We walk into the house and everyone stares. "Take a picture it'll last longer," I walk up the stairs.  The guys stare at me as I walk. I go and change into a new outfit and walk back downstairs. I see Ashley and Luke making out. "What the heck," I yell. Everyone looks at me and then to where I'm staring. Jake grabs my hands and takes me outside.

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