2- I'm Okay.

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(Edited Jan.32.2022)

Eddie's POV

I'm scared of thunderstorms.

And no I'm not scared of being electrocuted by lightning or the loud booms of thunder than come shortly after the strikes.

I just don't like them.

I mean, some people are scared of spiders and no one ever asks them why, right?

You don't really have an explanation for certain fears, they just kind of worm themselves into your life and you just have to live with them.

There's a thunderstorm right now. I'm just sitting in my bed under my blankets.

I don't have anything else to do. My mom is out on a work trip and I'm home alone, so, my comfort is hiding under my blanket.

I just slowly wait for it to pass. I hear something hit my window and I just out of my skin. Probably the tree next to my window moving from the window. But then there's another noise, like a rock hitting the window. It happens again, and again, and again, like a song.

Eventually, I take the blanket off my head and shakily get up and walk towards my window. I stand about a meter away from it and move my head around, trying to figure out what it is. Another noise, and I see a rock hit my window and it falls to sit on the window frame outside. I approach it and look at it.

Another rock comes quickly hit the window and I jump back. I open the window a crack and yell out into the darkness of the night. "Stop!"

And then I quickly shut the window and pull the curtain over it and run back to my bed, heart beating fast.

The noise stops for a good five minutes and I'm sure that whoever was throwing them decided to leave. But then, a knock.

I scream, and cover my mouth quickly because great. Now the serial killer knows I'm in here. In case the yelling for them to stop didn't give it away.

"Eddie! Eddie I'm fucking soaked let me in!"

"Richie?!" I yell, running to the window and pull the curtain back. I'm met with Richie's face, his glasses fogged up and his shirt soaked with water. "What are you doing?" I yell again, lifting up the window. Richie quickly crawls through.

I stare down at the mess. "You're dripping on my floor." I say.

"Sorry..." He mumbles. He takes off his glasses and hands them to me. "Could you dry those?" He asks.

I nod and walk over to my nightstand and grab a tissue, drying the the glasses quickly and heading back to Richie. "Thanks." He puts them back on, staring at me with a grin.

"I'll get you a towel." I turn around to head to the bathroom. I open my bedroom door and as I step out into the hallway, a boom of thunder scares the living shit out of me and I scream.

Footsteps behind me and Richie is quickly standing behind me in my room door. "Whoa, you okay?"

I nod, clear my throat and rush to the bathroom, shutting the door. I sigh and rub my temple. Keep it together, Kaspbrak.

I grab a clean towel and open the bathroom door, Richie is still standing in my bedroom door. I walk to him and hand him the towel, pushing past him to get back into my room.

He start drying himself off, but clearly his clothes will take a few hours to dry off. "I have some clothes that are too big for me if you want those." I offer, he responds with a nod. I walk to my closet and reach up to grab a pair of black sweatpants and a plain red shirt.

I shut the door and turn around to hand them to him. He smiled gratefully walks to the bathroom to get changed.

I sit in my bed, and I notice my palms or sweater and my heart is beating really fast. I try to calm myself down but when there's another big bolt of lightning I can't. I hide under my blanket again clutching the fabric of my shirt for comfort.

I don't hear Richie come back into my room. But I do feel his weight on my bed. "You...okay?"

I rip the blanket off and nod way too fast. "Yep."

"Right..." Richie pushes up his glasses. "I didn't know you were scared of thunderstorms."

"I'm not!" I squeak, it's obvious I'm lying.

"My parents are drunk right now and I didn't feel like being home in case you're wondering why I came by." Richie says softly.

I nod and Richie notices how slay my hands are. "Dude, are you okay? Cuz you don't look okay."

"Dude, I'm fine. You show up to my house in the middle of the night and wake me up. Did you expect me to be completely calm?" I snap at him.

"Your light was on."

I scrunch up my eyebrows and sigh.

"Fuck off." I manage before there's more thunder and I flinch. Fucking hell.

Richie doesn't make fun of me or judge me, he just comes over to sit next to me. He wraps his arms around me and suddenly I'm so confused.

We sit in silence and I feel myself getting so sleepy. Richie's warmth mixed with the comfort of having someone else in my room with me. The comfort of having Richie in my room with me.

I'm okay because he's here. And I'm okay because he's holding me. I'm okay because he right here and he cares about my stupid fear. He cares about my safety.

He cares about me.

And suddenly I'm okay.


I wake up the next morning. Richie is sleeping on the floor next to my bed.

And I'm okay.

I smile.

I'm okay.


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