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Eddie sat on his bed, tears in his eyes as he continued to stare at the word written across his cast.

Henry Bowers had gone too far last week when he was beating up the small boy and broke his arm.

Today Eddie finally came back to school with a cast and once again Henry cornered him, but this time he didn't beat Eddie up.

He wrote with a black sharpie across the white cast the word 'loser'.

Eddie had cried all night while staring at it not completely sure what to do.

Eddie wiped his eyes and took another puff of his inhaler knowing he had already taken an unhealthy amount of puffs for one night.

Eddie sniffled when he heard a rock hit his window.

Eddie got up off his bed and chuckled as he saw his best friend waving obnoxiously at the bottom of the window.

Eddie lifted his window slowly with one hand.

"What are you doing?!" Eddie laughed.

"I'm coming to visit my best friend!" Richie yelled.

Eddie looked back at his bed side clock.

"At 3:30 in the morning?" Eddie asked.

"Yessir!" Richie replied enthusiastically.

"You fucking dork." Eddie said. "How do you plan on getting up here?" Eddie smirked.

"I'll be back!" Richie said and then ran around the house.

Richie came back with a ladder in his hands and a bigger smile plastered on his face.

Eddie laughed.

Richie placed the ladder at the base of the window and connected it to the top.

Richie carefully climbed up the ladder.

"Where the hell did you even get that?" Eddie asked when Richie was halfway up.

"It was in your garage." Richie said.

"You- how the hell? Oh my god." Eddie laughed . "You went into my garage?" Eddie chuckled.

"Of course spaghetti." Richie said finally getting to the top.

Richie hopped into Eddie's bedroom and shut the window.

"Why are you here anyways?" Eddie asked sitting back into his bed.

"Just here to check your on you. You seemed kind of sad today." Richie took a seat next to Eddie.

"Oh, yeah no I'm fine." Eddie said.

"Wait were you crying?" Richie asked bringing his hand up to wipe a stray tear that had found it sway out of Eddie's hazel eyes.

"No Richie I wasn't." Eddie slapped Richies hand away.

"You sure because- wait what's that?" Richies gaze wondered to a big black word written onto Eddie's cast.

"Oh uh no it's nothing." Eddie said slowly moving his arm further away from Richie.

"Let me see." Richie reached his arm out wrapping his hand around Eddie's cast.

Richie carefully turned the cast over to see more clearly what was written.

"Oh Eddie." Richie frowned at the word written across his best friends arm. "Who wrote it?" Richie asked tearing his gaze away from the cast to look at Eddie.

"Bowers." Eddie rolled his eyes trying to keep the tears from falling.

"Today?" Richie asked. Eddie nodded. Richie looked around momentarily and smiled when he spotted Eddie's markers on his desk.

Richie got up and went to Eddie's desk grabbing a red sharpie.

Richie came to sit down next to Eddie and took Eddie's arm again.

"Richie what are you doing?" Eddie asked.

"Just give me a minute." Richie concentrated as he drew over the 's'.

Richie smiled at his work.

"Done." Richie shut the sharpie and set it down next to him on the bed.

Eddie examined it.

Richie had drew over the 's' and made it a 'v'.

"Now you aren't a loser you're a lover." Richie smiled.

Eddie smiled and wiped away his tears opening his arms for a hug.

Richie leaned in and hugged his best friend tightly.

"I love you Eddie." Richie said without thinking. Richie immediately backed away as he realized what he had said. "Oh shit I mean-"

Eddie smiled and leaned in kissing Richie softly. Richies eyes widened as he kissed back quickly.

Eddie backed away as his none broken hand brushed Richies cheek gently.

"I love you too Richie." Eddie said. "And thank you." Eddie smiled. "Could you stay the night?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah of course." Richie said.

Eddie opened his arms again and Richie leaned in again embracing the boy tightly.

Eddie pulled away and lay back onto his pillow bringing Richie down with him.

Richie took his glasses off and pulled the blanket over him and Eddie. Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie's petite waist and hugged the smaller boy tightly.

Eddie shut of the light and quickly fell asleep.


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