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TW ⚠️blood, homophobic slur⚠️
Eddie POV

I waited at my locker trying to get it open with zero success. I saw Bill walk by so I decided to ask him for help.

"Bill??" I tapped him lightly. "Oh h-hey E-Eddie." He smiled. "I can't get my locker open can you help me?" I asked nervously.

"S-s-sure." His face lit up and he handed me his books. "What's t-the c-code?" He asked.

"12-29-38" I replied quickly.

He jiggled the lock and it popped open.

"T-there -you go!" He said taking back his books. "Thanks!" I said waving goodbye. "C-cya around E-Eddie!" He smiled.

I placed some things in my locker and took out my English book. Suddenly someone wrapped there arms around my waist spinning me around.

"Ah!" I yelped. "Richie!" I said through laughs trying to be serious.

"Whaaaat???" He said jokingly. "I hate you!" I said slapping him lightly.

"Aw I love you too spaghetti boy!" He pinched my cheek and kissed me lightly. I smiled and tightly wrapped my arms around my boyfriends neck.

Richie pulled away and brushed his hand against my cheek.

"What class have you got my dear Ed's?" He said in a weird accent. "English. With you." I rolled my eyes making sure he could see.

"Oh come on I'm not that bad." He said grabbing my hand. "You'd be surprised." I laughed.

Richie rolled his eyes and kissed me on the cheek as I looked over my papers.

He hugged me from behind placing his head on my shoulder as I checked over the work we had to in class today.

"Can we skip class?" He begged. "I looked at his face which was still on my shoulder. "No." I replied.

"Now let's go before we're late." I grabbed his hand bringing him to class. We walked into class and sat down at our usual spots.

The bell rang just in time for us to sit down. Richie scooted his chair closer very obviously.

I raised an eyebrow when I felt something's hit me in the back of the head. It bounced and his the ground.

I turned and looked down spotting a piece of paper. I picked it up and opened it.


I crumpled it back up and walked to the recycling bin placing it in carefully.

"Mrs may I go to the bathroom?" I asked slightly sniffling. "Yes please hurry we have lots to do today." She smiled.

I walked out the door and sat next to the lockers trying to hold back the tears that were ready to burst.

I took out my inhaler and took a puff. Then I reached for my pocket taking out the piece of paper I always kept there.

Dear Ed's,
Happy 15th birthday! I love you.


I smiled and shoved it back in my pocket. I got up wiped my tears making my way back to class.

Suddenly, I tripped on something and hit my jaw strait on the floor bitting my tongue.

Blood started leaking from my mouth and I looked up to see Henry and his minions walking away laughing.

I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Quickly, I ran to the sink and spit out the blood.

I heard some banging on the door but I ignored it. Blood kept coming.

"Ed's?!?" Another bang on the door.


I walked to the door and opened it slowly.

Richie POV

The door opened slowly and I was faced with Eddie. Blood covered his shirt and his chin. His eyes were red and puffy.

"Eddie?!?!!" I panicked. "I'm okay Rich." He said. "No no no no." I said inspecting his face for any cuts.

"What happened?!" I asked. "I bit my tongue." He replied. "No shit." I came into the bathroom and locked the door.

I picked Eddie up by the waist and he wrapped his legs around me. I gently placed him on the counter.

"Okay you're going to need to drink a lot of water...well don't actually drink it just gurgle it and spit it okay?" I explained.

Eddie nodded.

I slipped off his shirt and gave him my water bottle.

He hopped off the counter and started drinking then spitting. He did it about 10 times before stopping.

"I'm not really sure what to do other than wait for the bleeding to stop..." I said nervously. He nodded again.

I took of my sweater and handed it to him. "Thanks..." he mumbled. "Any time baby boy." I smiled.

I pulled him into a hug and soon after we left the school to go home.

Oof well crappy one. Whatever.

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