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⚠️Gay slurrs and swearing⚠️

Eddie POV

I walked out of the super market with a bag of refills for my inhaler. I smiled taking in the sweet summer breeze.

I loved summer it made me happy. I loved picking flowers and I especially loved making flower crowns.

I loved making them for my boyfriend Richie. The fit perfectly with his curly hair. He looks beautiful with flowers in his hair.

I skipped past the arcade and decided Rich might be in there so I decided to take a look inside.

I looked around. I looked at street fighter. I guess he's not here then.

I shrugged and turned around. Before I could take another step I ran into someone.

I looked up to see the person I hated the very most.

Henry Bowers


"Sorry..." I said quietly. "What's a queer like you doing at an arcade like this?" He scoffed. I tried to ignore the name but deep down it hurt really bad.

"I was just looking for someone..." I said truthfully. "Oh yeah? Who might that be? Your boyfriend?" He asked.

How does he know? Did Richie tell him?

"N-no..." I lied. "Sure fag." He laughed. Henry looked around momentarily and finally spotted someone and motioned then to come over.

He looked at me and smirked.

He looked behind me and did something with his hands. Maybe a code? I don't know.

But soon I was being dragged by someone into the arcade bathroom.

"HEY STOP!!" I yelled. "Oh I'm not done with you fag." Henry spat. I winced at the name and shut my eyes as tight as I could.

I was thrown to the floor of the bathroom and then someone stepped in front of me.


"What are you gonna do Henry?" He asked. "Beat the shit out of him so he learns his lesson." He smirked.

"Yeah this little piece of shit deserves to die anyways." Richie laughed.

"Richie what are you talking about?" I said with tears started to spill. "You'll see."

"Please no I swear I'll do anything." I pleaded. Henry kneeled down in front of me and lifted my chin with his finger.

"You're worthless, you're nothing, you are a fag and a queer and you deserve to die." He threw my chin and I fell backwards.

Soon I felt hits to my stomach and my face. Richie spat at my face.


I started to sob loudly and just prayed that it could just be over.

.      .      .     .     .     .    .    .    .     .     .      .     .      .    .  

I woke up in a scream.

"NO!!!" I yelled. Richie snapped awake from beside me.

"Eddie calm down." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I smacked his hand away aggressively and got up from the bed.

He grabbed his glasses from my bedside table and turned on the lamp next to my bed. He looked at my tear stained eyes.

"Eddie you need to slow your breathing..." He said soothingly.

"Rich stop."I replied but still took his advice and concentrated on my breathing . "Eds why are you crying?" He asked moving closer to me.

I backed away scared of what he would do.

"Eddie...a-are you scared...of me?" He asked tears filling his eyes. I looked him in the eyes with sympathy.

Why was I scared? Richie is my boyfriend I shouldn't be scared of him.

"I'm s-sorry ." I started to cry uncontrollably. Richie rushes to my body which was about to fall.

Richie caught me in his arms. I cried harder and he embraced me tightly.

He pulled me into the bed and I sat on his lap with my legs on both sides of his. My head in the crook of his neck.

"Richie you would never hurt me right?" I sniffled and lifted my head to see his eyes. He looked almost shocked by the question.

"No of course not! Why would you ever think that?" He played with with a strand of hair from my messy bed head.

"I had a nightmare." I cried. He wiped his thumb across my face. "Nobody, including me is ever going to hurt you I promise." He threw his head to the side giving me soft eyes.

"You're my Eddie and nobody will ever touch you okay?" He smiled. "Why are you so good to me?" I asked. "Because you're my boyfriend and for some reason I have a soft spot for you Kaspbrak." He replied.

I smile and put my forehead against his.

"I love you Chee." I smiled.

"I love you too, now let's get back to sleeping what do ya say?" He asked.

I nodded and he lifted me by the waist onto his chest, laying down.

"Richie you can't breath." I said lifting myself off. "Relax Ed's I'll be fine." He pulled me back down and set his glasses on the side and turned off the light.

I rested my head on his chest and listened to his slow heart beat. He pulled the blankets over our bodies.

"Goodnight love." I whispered.

"Night Ed's." He kissed the top of my head.

I fell asleep to my boyfriends heart beat and is his warm embrace.


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