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(I wrote this right after watching It chapter 2 to try and clear up my depression, help me)

Richies POV

I walked in the sidewalks of Derry with my earbuds in. I listened to slow music.

Drunk- Ed Sheeran

I skipped along and I decided to stop at the gas station to buy some snacks since my boyfriend, Eddie, and I plan on hanging out tonight.

He wasn't at school today but he probably just had a doctors appointment or something .

I walked in and though the aisles. I picked up some skittles for Eddie and an ice tea for him also.

I smiled and grabbed some salt and vinegar chips for me. Then I headed to the cash and payed with the only money I had left.

I smiled contently and walked out unpausing my music. I smiled the whole way home which was weird but it wasn't pointless since my mind couldn't stop picturing Eddie.

I walked up Eddie's driveway and knocked on his front door.

I waited a couple minutes but nobody came.

That's weird.

I looked over at the car on the driveway.

His mom was here so someone should answer the door.

Then I heard a huge scream come from Eddie's bedroom window. I dropped my store bag and rushed over to the bottom of it.

"EDDIE?!?" I yelled. "EDDIE ARE YOU OKAY?!?" I screamed. I looked around frantically and my eyes landed on a ladder, leaning against the side of Eddie's house .

I ran over to it and moved it so it was directly under the window.

I started climbing up with caution.

I got to the window and looked inside.

Eddie was in the corner of his room with his head in his knees shaking like crazy.

"Shit Ed's." I knocked on the window. He looked up and his eye was red and puffy and his nose was bleeding.

I wasn't going to wait for him to open it obviously so I lifted it up with my arm while I other one held tight to the ladder keeping me steady.

I jumped inside and ran over to Eddie.

"Ed's?!? What happened?!? Are you okay?!?" I asked frantically. He shook his head.

"Okay...stay calm...where's your inhaler?" I asked. He pointed to his desk and I got up quickly running over to it shuffling through all his things.

Finally I found it in the drawer next to a picture of me and him at a sunset. I smiled and blushed.

Richie focus lots of time for this later.

I ran over to him and lifted his chin and putting the blue plastic in between his lips. I pressed it once then again.

He calmed down and took a deep breath.

"You okay now Bub?" I asked. He shook his head again and put his face down in his knees that were glued close to his chest.

"Are you hurt?" I asked. He nodded. "Where?!?" I panicked. He lifted both his hands and I saw giant red marks around his wrists.

And then he pointed to his eye. His red puffy eye.

"Oh my- Eddie..." I tried to bring him into my embrace but he wouldn't budge. "Eddie come on." I pleaded.

He shook his head. "Eddie I need you to feel safe. I only know you feel safe when you're in my arms." I touched his face and he flinched.

"Oh sorry..." I took my hand away quickly. He rubbed the side of his face against his shoulder.

"Rich go." He looked at me in the eyes. "You can't be serious..." I replied. "I don't need you, just go." Tears started to fall.

" No don't cry please." I tried my best to help him without touching him, seemed like he didn't want to be touched.

"Richie my mom...she..." He shook his head side to side. "Eddie tell me." I demanded.

He shook his head again.

"Eddie I'm serious." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me.

"Promise you won't be mad?" He cried. "Of course I won't be mad." I shot him a reassuring smile.

He nodded.

" My mom found my photo album and with all the pictures of you and I and the losers." He took a deep breath.

"Most of them are from the photo booth...and well..." He looked at me and tried to see if I understood.

Obviously I did because I'm most of the pictures we take in the photo booth we're either kissing of doing something sexual.

"Eddie I'm not mad..." I said. "She said I can't see you anymore. And the losers either." He sniffled.

"What happened to your wrists and your face?" I asked. "When my mom found them she beat me and tied me to my bed...she said I would stay there until I wasn't sick anymore. That's why I wasn't at school." He cried.

"I finally chewed through them after 4 hours of trying but she caught me and slapped me." He sniffled.

"You'll be okay I promise." I said.

"Rich I'm so scared..." He started to sob. "Don't be, I'm here and I always will be." I pulled him into my arms and this time he didn't resist he just accepted the hug.

I held him tightly and he rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my neck. I stayed there until his sobs turned into sniffles and then small snores.

"Ed's?" I asked.

No response.

I chuckled and got up with my small boyfriend in my hands. I walked to his bed and set him down softly.

I wrapped his blankets around him carefully and went to sit on his desk.

I wasn't leaving him. Not today. I looked around his desk and found the album he was talking about.

I looked through all the photos and smiled. He wrote cute messages next to each one.

I flipped more pages and a piece of paper fell out. I reached to the ground and picked it up flipping it around.

It was an amazing drawing of Eddie and I.

It had a pink backround, Eddie's favourite color and pink hearts around us. I was kissing Eddies cheek and holding his hand.

 I was kissing Eddies cheek and holding his hand

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I smiled widely.

I thought about putting it back in the book but changed my mind and put it in my pocket.

I looked over at my sleeping boyfriend and admired everything about him.

Even with his red puffy eyes and bruised face he was still perfect.

And he always had been.

"I love you Ed's." I said out loud.

"Love you too Chee." He whispered back.


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