25-Camping (3)

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Just to give you an idea, this is what the pills make Eddie experience.

-anger/mood swings
-separation anxiety.
-slight eating disorder

The losers got out of the car one by one.

Richie had let Eddie sleep for as long as he could but had to wake him after the losers had all left the van.

Richie carefully lifted up his arm and shook Eddie slightly.

Eddie groaned in response.

"Ed's come onnnnn." Richie begged. "The losers are already walking to the campsite." Richie explained.

Suddenly, Eddie's eyes shot open and he opened the door on his left and jumped out.

As soon as he hit the ground beneath him he threw up.

"Jesus! Eddie!" Richie exited the car and ran over to Eddie.

Richie slowly rubbed Eddie's back.

Eddie had started crying and then when he was done he turned and hugged Richie grabbing the back of the taller boys sweater.

"Shhh you're okay." Richie hugged Eddie tightly.

"I'm sorry I'm really sorry." Eddie cried tightly gripping the fabric of Richies sweater.

"No no no don't apologize." Richie said quickly.

"Everything okay?" The boys heard Bevs voice approaching.

Richie gave Bev a look saying "give us a minute."

The girl understood she nodded quickly leaving the two boys and walking back to the campsite with the rest of the group to set up the tents.

"You okay Ed's?" Richie asked.

Eddie nodded and hesitantly pulled away from the hug.

Richie looked Eddie in the eyes and quickly took notice of a couple of things that were off.

Eddie had giant bags under his eyes. His hair was very messy, probably because he just threw up. And his eyes were unusually red.

"Eddie are you sick?" Richie asked putting his hand on Eddie's forehead.

Eddie quickly pulled Richies hand away and shook his head lazily.

"No I'm fine." Eddie said wiping his tears.

"Eddie you know you can tell me anything." Richie asked grabbing Eddie's forearm.

Eddie flinched away.

"I said I'm fine! Okay?" Eddie said loudly.

Richie looked at him sadly but nodded.

"I'll go get our stuff, the campsite is that way." Richie pointed down the trail.

Eddie nodded and started walking.

Richie sighed and went to grab his and Eddie's bags watching Eddie walk down the gravel trail.

Richie carefully lifted up the bags and slung them over his shoulder and closed the trunk of the van.

He walked down the gravel trail hearing the losers talking and the faint noise of someone crying.

Richie rushed done to the campsite and saw Eddie on the grass crying, the losers trying to help him. There was a half finished tent in the back.

"Eddie?" Richie dropped the bags on the dirt and rushed over to his boyfriend.

"Eddie what's wrong?" Richie asked putting his hand on Eddie's shoulder.

Eddie looked up and gasped.

He jumped at Richie, pulling him into a big hug.

Richie caught the smaller boy in his arms as he cried.

"I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to be mean! Please don't break up with me!" Eddie cried holding onto Richie as if he was going to leave at any second.

"Ed's..." Richie said cupping Eddie's cheeks and looking into his hazelnut eyes. "I wouldn't ever do that. Ever." Richie said kissing Eddie softly on the lips.

The losers watched this whole thing go down. They were worried about Eddie. He wasn't acting normal and none of them knew why. Not even Eddie.

You guys seem to like this mini story so I'll try to update as much as possible.

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