19-Ice Emergency

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The losers were all at the quarry. It was the middle of a cold winter in Derry so the quarry was frozen.

They all decided they would go skating and so they did.

Eddie tried to protest saying it was dangerous but Richie assured him that they would have fun and Eddie couldn't say no to his boyfriend.

So, here they were tying their skates ready to go skating.

Richie helped Eddie tie his skates tight because he couldn't do it.

Once everybody was ready they went one by one onto the ice.

Bev and Ben first. Then Mike. Then Stan and Bill.

Which left Eddie and Richie.

Richie grabbed Eddie's hands and slowly skated backwards still holding onto Eddie.

"I'm gonna fall Richie." Eddie said looking into Richies eyes.

"No you won't trust me." Richie pulled Eddie around the quarry slowly.

Eddie's never been skating before. Richie has always lived skating. Him and Bev would usually go in the winter.

"Just move your feet like this." Richie demonstrated.

Eddie gulped and nodded very shakily moving his feet.

"See! You got it!" Richie exclaimed excitedly.

Eddie couldn't help but smile at his success.

"Can I let go?" Richie asked.

Eddie nodded slowly and Richie removes his hands from Eddie's but still skated in front of him incase he fell.

Eddie started skating slowly. For a beginner he was pretty damn good.

"Look I'm doing it!" Eddie smiled.

Richie smiled and watched his smiley boyfriend enjoy himself.

"Awesome!" Richie smiled.

Eddie blushed slightly and looked at the ground.

"Hey..show me that beautiful face of yours." Richie said skating closer to Eddie and lifting his chin.

Eddie blushed hard and looked into Richies eyes.

Richie leaned in and quickly pecked Eddie's lips.

Eddie smiled and looked around at the other losers.

Stan and Bill were skating hand in hand.

Ben and Bev were skating along side Mike.

Eddie started skating away feeling confident with his feet. He was naturally a very good skater.

Eddie started skating faster around the quarry.

"Hey wait up!" Richie yelled laughing as he tried to catch up with Eddie.

Eddie was around 30 feet away from him when he came to a stop to wait.

Suddenly, he heard the ice underneath him crackle.

His eyes drained of all happiness and became worry.

He looked at Richie who was now around 10 feet away when suddenly the ice broke and Eddie fell in.

"EDDIE!" Richie yelled skating faster then he ever had.

The losers had been alerted by Richies scream and saw what was going on immediately rushing over.

Eddie resurfaced but wasn't going to be able to keep himself up for long because his skates were pulling him down.

"Ri-chie!" Eddie gurgled.

Richie laid on his stomach reaching for Eddie's hands.

"EDDIE!" Richie yelled again.

Richie finally felt his hand wrap around Eddie wrist.

Then he felt the losers holding onto his ankles so he wouldn't fall in.

Richie tried his hardest to pull Eddie out but he just wasn't strong enough.

Suddenly, Eddie wrist slipped out of Richies grasp.

Richies eyes widened as he quickly proceeded to remove his skates.

"Richie what are you-" Bev was interrupted by Richie jumping in the water.

"Richie!" Stan yelled seeing his best friend disappear into the cold water.

Once Richie was under he opened his eyes and saw a blurry figure less than 6 feet down laying at the bottom.

Richie swam down and put his hands out taking Eddie into his arms.

With all the strength Richie had left he swam back to the hole Eddie had made when falling in and pushed Eddie onto the ice.

Richie slowly lifted himself out of the water and then everyone moved away from the hole.

Eddie was unconscious but thankfully still had a pulse, it wasn't strong but it was something.

Richie was freezing cold but it didn't matter as long as Eddie was safe.

Richie shook Eddie slightly.

Eddies eyes suddenly snapped open as he coughed up a bunch of water.

"Eddie!" Richie said taking Eddie into his lap and wrapping his arms around the small boy.

Eddie then started to cry.

"No no don't cry, you're okay now." Richie said holding Eddie tightly.

Eddie still had his skates on so he got off of his boyfriend and removed the wet footwear.

Once Eddie was done he immediately hugged Richie again.

"Thank you." Eddie said.

The losers watched this event go down, Bev even crying a few tears.

Richie lifted himself off the ice and carefully carried Eddie to shore where the soon walked to the clubhouse.

Ben has a bunch of blankets there just incase they went in the winter.

So, once everybody had settled into the clubhouse, Richie wrapped Eddie in a blanket and Bev brought one over to Richie too.

Richie smiled as he rubbed Eddie's shoulders lightly.

"I love you. Richie I...I don't know what I would've happened if you didn't...thank you." Eddie had started crying again.

Richie held the small boy close and told him everything was going to be okay.

And from that day on none of the losers never went ice skating ever again.

Thanks for 3k reads ily guys sm ❤️ leave suggestions I'm running out of ideas

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