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(Edited Jan.5.2022)

3rd Person

Eddie came back to consciousness slowly. His eyes ached as he tried to open them. I'm fact, his entire body was hurting.

He groaned as his eyes tried to adjust and figure where he was. He took a look around, his neck too sore to move and didn't recognize where he was.

He was sitting on pavement. His back was pressed up against cold brick and wherever he was, it was dark. And he was definitely outside.

He brought a bloodied hand up to rub at his head when he finally remembered


"STOP THAT HURTS!" Eddie yelled trying his best to get out of Patrick's and Victors grip.

"Not until I'm done." Henry had the most terrifying look on his face that Eddie had ever seen.

"Oh god oh god oh god..." Eddie was whimpering to himself as Henry brought the knife closer to his legs.

"Shut up or I'll have to add more." Henry slapped Eddie's face.

"You don't think I noticed you're dirty behaviour, Kaspbrak?" Henry taunted, gripping Eddie cheeks between his hand. "Come on, be honest with me, you knew this was gonna happen, right?"

Eddie shook his head, tears involuntarily leaking down his bruised cheeks. "Please."

Henry couldn't stop smiling. "Please what, Faggot?"

Eddie let out a sob. "Please stop..." His voice was strained and came out in broken whispers. Victor let out a laugh and Henry quickly followed.

"Aw. The little faggy wants me to stop." Henry snickered.

Eddie's entire body was aching from top to bottom. He didn't think they was anywhere in his body where they hadn't punched or kicked him.

Henry brought his knife up to Eddie's chin. Eddie's leaned his head back as far as he could, but once it made contact with the wall behind him he had no choice but to let Henry drag the blade along his throat.

Eddie screamed as a small incision was made right bellow his jawline.

Eddie clamped his eyes shut as he heard a few police cars pass by with their sirens on. The gang panicked and quickly got up and ran away.

*flashback over*

Eddie couldn't stop crying. It was uncontrollably painful for him to even breath.

He kept taking puffs from his inhaler over and over again trying to calm himself down. At one point his arm became too tired to continue bringing the plastic up to his mouth so he rested it against the cold pavement.

It was a cold and windy night but Eddie was in so much pain that he didn't even notice. He was thinking about two things.

One; how badly his mother would react once he got home.

And two; if he got home.

His mind went to the only thing it this world that made him happy.


He pictured his big o'l glasses and his soft curly hair. His amazing define cheekbones and his soft hands. The soft hands that never had bad intentions when he touched Eddie. Richie never touched him in a way that made him hurt.

Eddie has an amazing boyfriend. Eddie looked up to the sky.

"Richie..." He called out randomly, off instinct.

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