33-Best night ever

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"Eddie. Wake up."


"Eddie spaghetti."


"Edward Spaghetward."

Eddie opened his eyes seeing Richie hovering over his bed with a smile.

"Richie! What the fuck! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Eddie whisper-yelled.

"I'm boreeeed." Richie said.

"Richie what the fuck. Go back to your house!" Eddie said.

"Nooo my house is boring!!" Richie groaned.

"Richie it's the middle of the night why the fuck are you in my room?" Eddie said running his eyes.

"Uhh because my house is boring and I don't wanna sleep." Richie said. "Let's go somewhere!" Richie smiled.

"Richie what time is it?" Eddie asked.

"3:30 in the morning."  Richie smiled.

"Richie! I'm not sneaking out at 3 in the morning!" Eddie yelled.

"Come onnnnn!!" Richie grabbed Eddie's arm dragging him out of bed.

"Richie go back home!" Eddie whisper -yelled.

"Noooooo!!" Richie yelled.

"Richard my mother is sleeping." Eddie said.

"Oh I forgot to say hi to her, she probably missed me since last nigh-"

"Richie!" Eddie yelled smacking Richies arm.

Richie laughed.

"You get one hour then I'm coming back." Eddie said.

Richie smiled and Eddie followed his best friend out his bedroom window.

Once they had both gotten down safely Eddie asked. "Where are we going Rich?"

"You shall see sir spaghetti." Richie smiled.

"Don't call me that. Also, It's cold I could probably catch fucking hypothermia." Eddie shivered.

"Here." Richie took off his sweater giving it to Eddie.

"You're gonna get cold." Eddie said.

"I think I'll survive." Richie smiled as they walked on the side of the road towards the forest.

"The forest?" Eddie asked.

"No, the clubhouse." Richie smiled.

They walked into the forest finding the wooden trap door of the clubhouse.

"It's fucking dangerous in there asshole." Eddie said crossing his arms.

"You've been in there a million times." Richie said.

"Doesn't make it any less fucking dangerous." Eddie complained.

"You're a baby." Richie said.

"Fuck off." Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Not what I'd be saying to my new step father-"

"Richie shut the fuck up that's gross!" Eddie yelled shoving the other boy earning a chuckle from Richie.

Richie laughed as he lifted the trap door of the club house.

"Ladies first." Richie said pointed to the ladder.

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