20-Club house

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This is a fluff chapter because I'm having a rough time right now and I need Reddie fluff. It's inspired by Valentine's Day because it's coming up soon.

The losers were all in the clubhouse together on no other than February 14th

It had been quite a long week. Not a bad one though, you could say it was more or less the soulmate week.

Everybody in the losers club got a bf/gf before Valentine's Day. Yes, even Mike.

His girlfriend doesn't hang out with the losers much but she's still a nice girl.

As for Richie and Eddie, the boys had been dating well before Valentine's Day.

Stan and Bill recently started dating around 3 weeks before the 14th.

Ben and Bev, well, Ben finally got the guts to ask her out literally the day before Valentine's Day. Obviously, she said yes.

And so here they are, in the club house all together having one hell of a time.

Eddie and Richie were in the hammock. Eddie was laying on Richie drawing circles with his finger over Richies chest.

Ben and Bev were sitting on the mattress the group had recently put in the clubhouse in case any of them needed to get away from home and sleep somewhere.

But of course Eddie would never sleep on that dirty mattress, if he had the need to leave home he would just go to Richies. It happened rarely but not never.

Stan and Bill were sitting on the floor. Stan in Bills lap.

Mike just leaned up against the wall listening to the chatter of the others.

Richie gently ran his fingers through Eddie's brown hair as the taller boy chatted with the others.

Eddie lay his head on Richies chest and listened slowly to the boys heart beat.

"Oh shit I almost forgot." Richie said shooting up from his laying position.

Eddie was caught off guard and fell of the hammock.

He groaned.

"Richard you fucking idiot." Eddie groaned sitting up from his laying position on the ground.

"Look, now I have fucking dust all over my shirt." Eddie said getting up and brushing off the dust.

The dust made him cough and he had to use his inhaler.

"Here take this." Richie slipped off his black hoodie and threw it to Eddie.

"You want me to change? Here?" Eddie said with a look of disgust on his face.

"Come on we've all seen you shirtless at the quarry this isn't different." Richie said.

Eddie rolled his eyes and slipped off his dusty shirt quickly replacing it with Richies hoodie.

Eddie wasn't ever going to admit he loved the way Richies hoodies smelled. It made the smaller boy feel safe.

"Alrighty mates!" Richie yelled obnoxiously.

Eddie rolled his eyes and crossed his arms tapping his foot gently on the floor.

"You disturbed my comfortableness so this better be fucking good." Eddie said.

Richie chuckled and got up from the hammock making his way to the corner of the clubhouse.

He pulled out a black box.

He opened it and grabbed all the red papers from inside.

He handed one to each loser.

"These are you valentines." Richie said proudly.

Richie walked over to Eddie and handed him a pink one.

"And this ones yours." He gave the smaller boy a kiss on the cheek.

Eddie smiled and blushed.

"They each have notes and candies in them." Richie said setting the box down beside the hammock and laying back down.

Richie pulled Eddie's arm telling the boy to come into the hammock with him.

Eddie rolled his eyes and smiled laying between Richies legs.

The losers unwrapped the gift one by one.

Bev got a red heart shaped lollipop with a note.

Mrs Marsh, I love you you're amazing and thank you for all the help for asking Eddie out.

Bev smiled and put the note in her pocket.

Ben got the same candy but a different note.

Benjamin, thanks for keeping Bev happy, she deserves someone amazing like you.

Ben looked up at Richie and smiled.

Mike and Stan both got heart shaped chocolates.

Mikey, make sure to keep your lucky girl happy.

Stan the man, you're annoying but I'm glad you and Bill are finally together.

Bill got a box of small heart shaped candies.

Billiam, keep my best friend happy, he loves you.

Every body thanked Richie for the thoughtful gifts.

"No problemo me amigos." Richie said in a  funny accent.

Eddie chuckled.

"Open yours babes." Richie said wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist.

Eddie smiled and opened the note.

A heart shaped lollipop fell out.

He looked up to read the note.

Eddie, I love you more than anything in this world and I'm so happy that I get you as my first valentine, and as the rest of my valentines. You mean everything to me. Don't ever change . For anybody.


Eddie was almost in tears at the short letter. He was surprised Richie could be so caring and spot on with his words.

"I love you too." Eddie sniffled turning around so he was laying on Richie chest.

Eddie wrapped his arms around Richies neck and kissed him passionately. Richie caught the smaller boys lips softly as the pairs mouths moved perfectly in synch.

Eddie rested his head in the crook of Richies neck.

"That was literally the cutest thing I've ever seen." Bev said squealing.

Richie rolled his eyes.

"I know." Eddie mumbled into Richies shirt.

Lmao I need a valentine.

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