11-Touch Bracelets

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Richie's POV

"EDDIE NO DON'T LEAVE PLEASE!" I screamed into pitch black darkness. "Richie I love you..." He said.

"NO EDDIE PLEASE I NEED YOU!" I cried. "Richie I cant stay..." His face came into sight.

He touched the side of my face with his hand.

"I'll protect you...please just don't leave you're the only thing I have." I sobbed.

"Goodbye Richie." He disappeared into dust.

"EDDIE!!" I fell to my knees. "EDDIE PLEASE!!" I sobbed uncontrollably.

.   .   .    .    .    .    .     .    .    .     .    .    .    .    . .  

I woke in a cold sweat and started sobbing.

"Shit why does this keep happening?" I asked myself through my sobs.

"It isn't real. It isn't real. It isn't real." I kept telling myself.

"It's not real." I whispered to myself to calm down. I took a deep breath filling my lungs with the cool air and wiped my eyes.

I reached to my bedside table and turned on the lamp and grabbed my glasses placing them carefully on my face.

I opened my drawer and pulled out a picture of Eddie which sat next to my touch bracelet.

(If you don't know what a touch bracelet skip this chapter because I don't know how to explain it)

I picked it up. Placed it on my wrist and tapped the top of it 3 times coding our code for hey.

Then got a response saying hi.

I smiled widely and picked up my iPhone.

I saw a couple message from Eddie.

I clicked them and opened my phone.


I know it's late but I had a bad dream.

I really need to talk to you, I have my touch bracelet with me.

Rich you coded hey, are you awake?

Ya I had a bad dream too.

Richie can you come over I'm scared.

I read the text carefully making sure I understood right.

Yes of course babe.

Are you okay?

I raised an eyebrow and replied.

Yeah why?

Just making sure.

Okay I'll be over in 5. Love you❤️

Love you too💞😊

I sighed and got out of bed putting on some ripped jeans and a red T-shirt.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and carefully opened my bedroom window. The cold hit my face. It was refreshing.

I smiled and jumped down.

My phone buzzed again and I took it out once I was stable from my jump.

Message from Ed's💗💞

I opened it.

Richie please hurry I'm scared.

I'm coming don't worry.

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and started in a sprint down the dark road the only light coming from the bright street lights.

I took a short break to breath.

Then started running again.

I ran until finally I had reached Eddie's driveway.

I picked up a rock and threw it at Eddie's window.

He came quickly to the window and opened it.

"Richie!!" He smiled. I waved.

"Give me a minute I'll get the ladder." I said quietly. He nodded and walked deeper into his room.

I smiled and walked over to Eddie's garage grabbing the tall ladder from outside the door.

I carefully brought it to his window and placed it down.

I gripped the side of the ladder and brought my foot up to the first step. Then the next one and the one after that.

Soon I had reached the top and Eddie sat on his bed bouncing his leg up and down frantically.

"Richie come." He patted the spot next to him on the bed.

I stepped into his room and shut the window behind me.

I walked slowly and finally sat down and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"So what did you have a dream about?" I asked my boyfriend.

"You left me...you never said why...you just left." Eddie looked away holding back sobs.

"You know that would never happen...ever." I reassured him.

"I know it just scares me." Eddie finally broke into quiet sobs.

"Come here." I patted my lap and Eddie sat and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you and I'm never ever leaving." I whispered into his ear.

Eddie sniffled again.

"Will you stay here tonight?" He asked me. "Yes of course anything for my Eddie spaghetti!" I exclaimed and looked at me and rolled his eyes getting up.

"Whatcha doing Ed's?" I asked.

"Let's dance." He smiled going to his radio and turning on quiet slow music.

I smiled.

"Isn't your mom home?" I asked. He shook his head. I shrugged and got up taking his hands in mine.

He stood on his tippy toes and leaned in to kissed me.

I kissed back immediately and his arms found their way to my neck and I wrapped mine around his small waist.

I pulled away a leaned my forehead against his swaying lightly to the music.

"I love you Ed's." I whispered.

"I love you too Richie." Eddie smiled.

We both danced for around 10 minutes to different songs.

Once we were fairly tired Eddie went to turn off the radio and lay in bed wrapping the warm covers around himself.

I smiled and turned off the lights climbing into bed with my boyfriend.

I wrapped my arms around Eddie's waist as the small boy nuzzled his face into My chest.

"Goodnight Spaghetti." Richie kisses the top of his head and we both fell asleep with big smiles on our faces.

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