5-Eddies Bday

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Richie's POV

I woke up to my boyfriends beautiful face. He looked so peaceful right now.

I kissed his soft cheek and got up doing my best not to wake him. I walked to my drawer opening it and taking out Eddie's clothes and setting them beside our bed.

I walked back and took out a grey pair of sweat pants and a black shirt. I changed into my clean clothes and went over to Eddie to wake him up.

"Hey Bubba?" I brushed the side of his face lightly . "Come on we're meeting the losers at the quarry in 30 minutes you gotta wake up." I said in a soft tone.

He groaned and flipped over putting his back to my face. "Oh so it's going to be like that?" I laughed starting to tickle him.

He started laughing uncontrollably. "RIcH StOp!!" He laughed. He kicked off the blankets and was squirming like crazy.

"You up now?" I asked. "YES!" He yelled. "Good now lets go have breakfast." I kissed him in the forehead and got up off the floor.

Eddie has been living with me since he didn't have any relatives around and his mother went to jail for abuse.

It's been 2 months now and I love it. I get to wake up to his face every morning and cuddle up with him before falling asleep every night.

I bought my own apartment a long time ago and Eddie just started leaving in it with me. I moved out when my mom died of overdose and my dad just disappeared.

"I'm ready." He smiled. I snapped back into reality. "Oh ya l-let's go." I say in a funny voice.

I grab his hand and we walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Eddie's hair is a little messy this morning but I'm not complaining he looks adorable no matter what.

Eddie sat down on the other side of the counter and my eyes focused on him.

"Staring much?" Eddie laughed. I blushed like crazy . "Oh sorry." I laughed nervously. "It's fine I know I'm beautiful. "

I look up from the floor with bright eyes. Eddie smiles at me a slightly laughs making my heart flutter.

"Whattttttt??" He asked jokingly. I forgot I had food to cook. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world." I smiled.

"You sure are and so am I." He pecked my lips from across the table.

"I'll be right back I have to go comb my hair." He stated. "Awww but you're hair looks so great when it's messy." I frowned.

"No it doesn't." He said seriously and walked away.

I shrugged lightly and took out some pans and started cooking Eddie's favourite.

Eggs and bacon.


Eddie and I sat at the edge of the quarry waiting for our friends to arrive. He leaned his head on my shoulder and I gently played with his hair.

Eddie looked down at the water and smiled.

"It's so peaceful." He said quietly. "I know I wish we could stay like this forever." I smiled.

Eddie swung his legs back and forth like a cute little kid. "Who says we can't?" He smiled using him fingers under my chin and making me look at him.

He gave me a kiss on the lips. It was slow and passionate and full of love.

"HEY GUYS!" I heard Bev from behind us. I looked back and saw Ben along with Stan and Bill who were holding hands.

It wasn't weird since they have been dating for almost a year.

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