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(This takes place in 2004 the losers are all 14 and 15.) ⚠️gay slurrs⚠️

Eddie's POV

I skipped through the roads on my way back to my house from school. I spotted the quarry and decided to take a quick break.

It was getting hard to breath due to my asthma anyways. I set my black backpack next to a rock and sat down.

I looked down at the quarry.

I shivered because it was so high. I would probably have a heart attack if I jumped from there.

I laughed at my joke and fiddled with my fingers.

I heard some noise come from behind me. I turned my head. Nothing but trees.

It's probably nothing.

I continued to play my fingers until I decided my anxiety got the best of me and I should probably get back home before dark.

I grabbed my backpack and stood up from the cold rock. I turned quickly and I ran into someone.

I looked up hoping it was one of my friends or someone I didn't know at the least.



He smirked evilly and something pulled my backpack off.

"Hey!" I yelled after Victor. "Give it back!!" I demanded. He just laughed at my demand and threw my backpack over the edge.

"No!" I rushed to the edge and saw it hit the water.

"Jerks!!" I said angrily. "That will be you I'm about a minute." Patrick smirked.

"W-what???" I said starting to shake. Henry raised an eyebrow. "Is the queer scared of heights?" He smirked.

"N-no." I lied. "Well then you won't have a problem jumping?" He crossed his arms. "Or should we push you?"

"I-I don't know how to swim." I started to cry. "Even better." Henry started to walk towards me. He grabbed me by the collar and started pushing me backwards.

"NO PLEASE STOP!!" I cried loudly. "STOP PLEASE NO!!!" I sobbed trying to get out of Henry's grip.

He pushed me to the edge.

"PLEASE NO!!" I cried and yelled. "Bye Fag." He smiled pushing me one more time before the ground under my feet disappeared.

I looked down and saw the water.

I cried harder and just prayed.

My body hit the water hard and I opened my eyes.

Stay calm Eddie.

Then I remembered I never learn how to swim and the water was too deep for me to be able to stand.

I started waving my arms and legs around like crazy. I cried into the water.

I didn't have much time left and knew it very well.

I let my limbs stop moving and I started to sink.

I let out one last sob.

Then suddenly, something grabbed onto my upper body pulling me up.

Maybe it was god or something.

Before I knew it I was at the surface being pulled the the shore.

I was laid out on the sand and someone stood above me.

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