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(Edited Jan.4.2022)

Eddie sighed as he looked out the bus window on his way to school. He looked at the passing trees and the buildings just wondering what they could look like with colour.

The passing trees changing from different shades of grey and white and black. Bland, bland more bland. So much more to life and Eddie didn't get to experience it yet.

Nobody could see colour until they locked eyes with their soulmates. That way the first colour you see is your soulmates eyes. Mostly everybody had already found theirs.

Most people find their soulmates fairly early on in life, sometimes even as babies. Soulmates don't need to romantic either. Some people become soulmates and stay best friends. Either way, Eddie just wanted to find his.

But Eddie hadn't, he rode to school every morning in hopes that maybe one day he would but it never happened. He got jealous seeing every body else with their soulmates, watching people find theirs while he just stands by lonely.

He had friends, but all of them had found their soulmates already. It seems when you first find your soulmate all you want to do is see the whole world.

Eddie wishes he could see colours like all his friends because they describe them like they are so beautiful and that they didn't know how they ever lived without them.

Eddie rolled his eyes as the bus came to a stop in front of the school.

He got up as usual and picked up his backpack, his mother told him it was red. If only he could see it. Eddie's mother never told him how she'd met her soulmate, his father, not that Eddie particularly cares anyway.

Eddie walked off the bus and spotted Bev and Ben talking time eachother. Bev turned to Eddie and waved with a smile. Eddie waved back and walked into the school, passing right by his friends.

He ignored their confused faces. He was just not in the mood to put up with their usual daily gushing about the sparkly lovable glory of colour.

Eddie walked to his locker and unlocked it shoving his things inside. A few papers fell to the floor and Eddie almost lost his shit bending down to pick them up. Why does everything feel like it's going wrong today?

He grabbed his binder for his first class and then shut his locker louder than he had wanted to earning a few stares from the other students. Eddie sighed angrily and stomped to his class. What a great fucking day.

Once he got there he put his binder down on his desk and sat down.

Thankfully, this was his only class that he didn't share with any of his friends. He lives his friends, he really does, just not their constant chit chat about things Eddie couldn't even see.

After the warning bell the kids started to flood into the class and Eddie went through his notes as the teacher walked in.

The seat next to Eddie was always empty. Eddie liked it like that too because it meant he could focus better without having to worry about an annoying neighbour claiming their pen or tapping their feet annoyingly.

The teacher began to speak and then the door of the class bursted open. A boy with curly black hair and glasses had ran through the door at full speed dropping his books all over the floor. Jesus what a mess. Eddie snickered to himself as he watched the boy scramble to pick up his stuff from the floor.

He straightened his glasses as he leans back up with a pile of paper and binder wrapped tightly in his arms.

"Sorry sir." The boy said.

"Right, class this is our new student Richard-"

"It's actually Richie, I prefer Richie." Richie interrupted.

"Ok then, just have a seat next to Mr, Kaspbrak then." The teacher spoke and waved Richie off.

"Uhhh, the small guy?" Richie asked and the whole class laughed

Eddie groaned. "Yes Richard thats me." Eddie said aloud.

Richie smiled and walked over to Eddie's desk sitting down next to the smaller boy. "Sorry Sport, you are a tad bit short Kaspbrak." Richie laughed.

"I hate you, and it's Eddie." Eddie looked up at Richie to shake his hand and they locked eyes.

Richies wyes widened as the colour of Eddie's eyes started to slowly fade to hazel.

"Oh my-" Richie started but got too caught up in the boys eyes to finish.

"Your eyes-" Eddie said.

"You see it too?" Richie said not tearing his eyes away from Eddie's.

"yeah." Eddie smiled. "This is totally not happening right now right?"

"Dude this is the lamest way to meet my soulmate." Richie was staring directly into Eddie's eyes and Eddie was doing the same.

Eddie laughed and then blinked away.

"Holy shit!" Richie exclaimed making everybody in the class stare at the two.

"This is so cool!" Eddie smiled not even processing the fact that Richie was his soulmate.

"Boys! Please stop interrupting me!" The teacher yelled, dumbfounded at the disruption.

"Wait." Eddie turned to Richie. "You're my soulmate!" Eddie smiled widely.

"And I guess that means you're mine." Richie laughed in disbelief.

They spent the whole day together having fun looking at the new colours.

Eddie had finally figured out why his friends had been so interested in all of this.

It's not the fact that you get to see new colours.

It's that you and your forever soulmate get to see them together.

This is really short don't be mad

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