25-Camping (2)

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Richie and Eddie had woken up around 7:10 to get to school. It was Friday and neither of the two boys wanted to leave each others arms but they knew they had to.

So, after 10 minutes of staring into each others eyes they finally got up.

Eddie got dressed in one of Richies black sweaters that he always seemed to steal, and some jeans from his drawer that he always kept at Richies house.

Then only reason Eddie has his own drawer at Richies house was because he usually has to spend the night at Richies because of his mother.

It gets bad, Richies parents are never home so he couldn't care less.

Eddie was 16 now, his mother still shoving useless pills down his throat but other than that she doesn't give two fucks about where he son is.

She basically uses Eddie as someone to give pills to and then doesn't care anymore.

Eddie buys his own food, his own clothes when needed, he gets himself to school somehow even if it's raining or snowing harshly.

Richie wore his usual sweatpants and tee-shirt and the boys quickly ate some cereal before starting their rode to school.

They walked together hand in hand.

Eddie was walking with his backpack around his shoulder when he realized that he had forgotten to take his pills.

"Shit." Eddie breathes out quickly kneeling down on the sidewalk and unzipping his back pack.

He took out the pill container and quickly opened it.

Richie watched the boy as he frantically swallowed the pills dry.

Eddie was on his third pill as his hands were still shaking.

"Woah woah Ed's slow down." Richie kneeled down grabbing Eddie's hands.

"Stop!" Eddie shoved Richies attempt of affection away harshly.

"Since when did you take this many?" Richie asked not bothering to try and touch Eddie again.

Eddie shrugged and swallowed his 4th and final pill.

The small boy shoved everything back into his backpack and looked up at Richie, he was embarrassed that Richie had to see him be so weak.

Richie put out his hand to help Eddie up off the ground.

"Thanks." Eddie grabbed the taller boys hand and hoisted himself up and then brushing off his pants.

They walked in silence, comfortable silence.

Once they arrived Bev and Ben were at the front entrance waiting for them patiently.

Richie attempted you run towards the pair still holding Eddie but Eddie tripped at the sudden movement making him fall and scrape his knee on the cement.

"Oh shit, Eddie I'm sorry, are you okay?" Richie said kneeling with Eddie as Bev and Ben came rushing over.

"Yea I'm fine." Eddie got up and smiled pecking Richie cheek. "I'll see you after at lunch." Eddie smiled waving goodbye.

Time skip to after school.

Eddie and Richie were waiting at Richies house for Mike to show up in the van to go camping.

Eddie had asked his mom if he could go, it took quite a lot of convincing but after a while she finally said yes. He packed an unnecessary amount of things.

He packed 4 shirts even though they were only staying for 2 nights. He packed 4 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shorts, underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, 2 sweaters, both of them being Richies, socks, a sleeping bag and pillow and all of his pills.

Richie has packed 2 tee-shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 1 sweater, underwear, toothbrush, he would steal Eddie toothpaste, a sleeping bag and pillow and socks.

The two boys waited in Richies room reading comics in silence.

Eddie was falling asleep, feeling his eyes get heavier after every page he turned.

Both the boys looked up at the sound of a car honking and pulling into the driveway.

Richie quickly got up and grabbed his and Eddie's bag.

"Rich, I can carry my own bag." Eddie tried weakly to take it from Richies hands.

"I've got it, you look tired anyways." Richie smiled kissing Eddie softly.

Eddie shrugged and followed Richie downstairs.

They exited the house and saw everybody waiting in Mikes van chatting.

Mike waved at the boys with his friendly smile.

Richie waved back.

Eddie yawned and started feeling sick and lightheaded.

Eddie felt his legs give out and he started walking towards the car.

Then Eddie fell sideways.

Richie quickly dropped the bags and caught Eddie his arms.

"Woah jeez Eddie. You scared me." Richie laughed.

The rest of the losers came out the car quickly.

"Sorry, I tripped." Eddie whispered trying to get out of Richies arms.

"It's fine." Richie helped Eddie stand up straight.

"You okay Eddie?" Stan asked coming beside the two boys.

"What happened?" Ben asked.

"Are you okay?" Bev asked coming to help Eddie stand.

Eddie felt overwhelmed with all the questions.

"I'm fine!" Eddie yelled harshly ripping Bev and Richies hands off.

The put up their hands up in defence.

Eddie walked the the van and got in without saying a word

Eddie still felt light headed but decided not to say anything.

Richie picked up the bags he had thrown on the ground and made his way behind the van putting them in the trunk along with the other bags.

Everybody made their way back in the car silently.

Richie took his seat next to Eddie in the back with Stan.

Bill and Bev in the middle row.

Ben in the front with Mike.

Mike started the car hearing the roar of the engine as he backed out of the driveway and started his rout to the campsite.

Nobody said anything for the whole ride feeling awkward after Eddie had yelled.

Eddie had fallen asleep on Richies shoulder instinctively.

Once they arrived at the campsite they were all relieved.

"Welcome to the losers camping weekend bitches!" Bev yelled happily as they pulled up next to the campsite.

Next part coming soon people!

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