30-Two idiots with unbaked cookies

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"Eddie this is boring!" Richie yelled dramatically falling back onto his chair.

"Well it's your fucking fault because you promised you'd do the work and you didn't!" Eddie said angrily.

Richie and Eddie had been assigned a group project and they decided to split the work but when it came to the turn in date Eddie figured out that Richie hadn't done any of it so now they were stuck at Eddie's house trying to get it done before they both got detention.

"You're no fun." Richie pouted.

"Neither are you." Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Can't we just take a break?" Richie pleaded.

"No." Eddie answered.




"Oh my god fine!" Eddie slammed his book down onto the kitchen table.

Richie laughed and got up.

"Where are you going?" Eddie asked.

"We are going to make cookies." Richie smirked.

"No. Last time we made cookies you almost burnt my fucking house down." Eddie crossed his arms.

"Pleeeeease." Richie whined.

"You. Are. A. Child." Eddie said taking pauses between each word.

"But you looooove me." Richie smiled.

"Yeah yeah." Eddie waved his hand.

"Come on, let's go make em'" Richie smiled grabbing Eddie's hand.

Eddie smiled as Richie pulled him towards the kitchen.

"Do you even know how to make cookies?" Eddie asked.

"No, obviously not." Richie laughed.

"Oh my god." Eddie facepalmed.

Richie chuckled. "Here." Richie grabbed a big bowl and slammed it down on the counter.

"That's a start." Eddie laughed.

"Uhhh...ok what next?" Richie asked clueless.

Eddie shook his head jokingly and grabbed the necessary ingredients for the cookies.

"Alright so add the dry and ingredients in that bow- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Eddie watched in horror as he saw Richie shoving his hands in the flour.

"It's soft." Richie chuckled as he pulled his hands out of the giant bag and clapped his hands above Eddie's head covering his hair in flour.

"RICHIE!" Eddie yelled trying the shake the flour out of his hair. "Oh my god it's on the floor." Eddie watched the flour fall onto the ground like snow. "Shit shit shit my moms gonna kill me!!" Eddie panicked.

"It'll be fine we can clean it." Richie said and as he tried to wipe the flour off his hands he accidentally knocked over the whole bag of flour onto the ground. It exploded all over the cupboards and over the two boys.

"Oh my fucking god." Eddie said wiping the flour off his eyelids.

They was a few moments of silence.

"We look like snowmen." Richie said as he tried to hold in his laughter.

Eddie took a deep breath and then proceeded to tackle Richie into the flour covered floor.

"You! Are! So! Annoying!" Eddie said hitting Richies chest but not hard enough to hurt him.

Richie laughed as he watched the other boy in anger.

"My moms going to kill me!" Eddie said sitting above Richie.

Richie laughed and brushed some flour off of Eddie's cheek. Richie smiled as he pulled Eddie down to meet his lips. Eddie chuckled against Richies lips as they kissed.

Richie pulled away. "I love you." Richie said.

"My moms still going to kill me but I love you too." Eddie smiled getting up off the ground. "Go get the vacuum." Eddie said.

Richie smiled and nodded.

• • •

After 3 hours of trying desperately to get the flour off the tile kitchen floor the boys succeeded to clean most of it.

The two were now sitting on Eddie living room couch watching a movie as they cuddled.

"You know'" Richie started. "I never got my cookies." He said.

"And we never got that work done did we?" Eddie asked.

"Nope." Richie laughed.

Eddie cuddled up closer to Richie. "We're such idiots." Eddie laughed.

"We sure are."

It's been awhile, hello there.

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