25- Camping (1)

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This might be a mint series btw, around 2-4 chapters.

The losers sat at lunch together chatting. Bev, Ben and Mike one side of the table. Stan, Bill, Eddie and Richie on the other.

Eddie and Richie were side by side holding hands, same for Bill and Stan.

Eddie was doing his homework do for the next period, he forgot to do it. His pills lately have been making him very tired.

"You okay bub?" Richie asked watching Eddie do his homework. Richie saw that Eddie's handwriting was off and he didn't seem to be understanding anything he was doing.

Eddie simply nodded followed by a yawn.

"You sure?" Richie chuckled watching his tired boyfriend.

Eddie set his head on Richies shoulder and Richie wrapped his arm around Eddie's waist shrugging.

"Sleepy?" Bev laughed looking at Eddie.

Eddie nodded and stuffed his face deeper into Richie neck.

"Hey guys, my dad said I could use his van if you wanted to go on a camping trip?" Mike asked playing with his carrots he was eating.

"Sounds like fun." Stan said.

"Yeah sure, I'll have to ask my parents though." Bill said.

Bev nodded in agreement.

"Yeah sure." Ben said happily eating his sandwich.

"I'm down, how bout you Ed's?" Richie said lightly shaking Eddie.

Eddie groaned and gripped Richies arm so Richie would stop shaking him.

"Why are you so tired? Did you sleep last night?" Richie asked putting his hand on Eddie's forehead checking if he was sick.

"Stoooooop" Eddie pushed Richies hand away.

Richie chuckled.

"You wanna come or not little man?" Richie asked.

Eddie shrugged his eyes still glued shut.

"Alrighty, this little man is going home with me." Richie said getting up and pulling Eddie with him.

Eddie groaned and shook his head.

"Nooooooooo, I'm fineee" Eddie pulled with all the strength he had left in his bones.

"No you aren't." Richie said grabbing Eddie's homework and shoving it in his backpack along with his own lunch.

"Come on." Richie grabbed Eddie's hand.

Eddie shrugged but decided to give up since he didn't have the energy to fight back at this point.

Richie practically dragged Eddie out of the cafeteria and into the halls.

"Come on almost there." Richie said bringing Eddie to the doors.

"Richieeeeeeee" Eddie said dragging the "e".

"Whaaaaaat" Richie said mocking his boyfriend.

"We can't skip school." Eddie said.

"Well if you stay you're going to fall asleep so it's better if you're asleep at home." Richie said pushing open the doors.

Eddie gave up and walked to Richies house.


Once the pair had finally got to Richies house they walked into the building and up to Richies room.

To anybody's surprise his room was always clean. Well, unless he was having a bad day.


Eddie fell into Richies bed and shut his eyes enjoying the comforting smell of Richie that the bed held.

"Hey don't go falling asleep on me just yet," Richie laughed sitting down on the bed next to Eddie.

Richie rubbed Eddie's back softly.

"Baby, why are you so tired?" Richie asked.

"I don't know, I just have been really tire-" Eddie interrupted himself with a yawn that came out high pitched and cute.

"Awww." Richie said laying on the bed and pulling Eddie on top of him.

"That was so cute." Richie said wrapping his arms around the smaller boy.

"But on a serious note, why have you been so tired lately, and not to mention you haven't been eating enough." Richie said lighting rubbing his hands through Eddie's soft curls.

"I think it's my pills." Eddie said already half asleep.

"You still take those?" Richie asked.

Eddie nodded, shut his eyes yawning again.

"You wanna go camping this weekend?" Richie asked again.

"Ya, I'll ask my mom, can I sleep now?" Eddie asked.

Richie smiled but nodded nonetheless.

"I love you." Richie said.

"Love you too." Eddie drifted off into a nightmare less sleep.

Part two coming soon, sorry this was so short btw.

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