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3rd Person

It was currently 3:34am in Derry. The lights in the houses were out and the only sounds you could hear was the faint chirps of the crickets.

Eddie and Richie were sleeping cuddled up close on their apartment bed room. The couple had been living together for 2 years now.

Richies eyes shot open from a loud bang coming from downstairs.

He propped himself up onto his elbows seeing Eddie still asleep on his chest.

Richie swiftly got out of bed and opened the bedroom door stepping out in nothing but pyjama pants.

He looked around before walking towards the stairs.

He was about to walk down when he saw a shadow move from the bottom floor.

His eyes widened as he raced quietly back to his and Eddie's room shutting the door and locking it.

He rushed over to his sleeping boyfriend.

"Eddie wake up." He shook the boy lightly.

Eddie groaned in response turning away from Richie.

"Eddie get up now." Richie pulled Eddie's arm harshly.

"What the fuc-" "Eddie there is someone in here." Richie panicked.

Eddie's eyes widened as he started to shake.

"W-what?" He said quietly. "I don't know who it is but we need to hide." Richie pulled Eddie out of their bed and into their closet.

Richie shut the closet door and sat door with Eddie by his side pulling him closer.

Eddie was shaking like crazy.

"Eddie calm down you're going to be okay." Richie rubbed his boyfriends arm reassuringly.

Eddie broke into quiet sobs.

"Richie I don't wanna die." Eddie pleaded burying his face into Richies shirt.

"You aren't going to die-"


A loud bang came from downstairs.

Eddie's eyes widened as he tried to be quiet with his crying.

Eddie held onto Richie for dear life shaking like crazy.

The couple sat in the dark closet for 15 seconds before hearing more bangs.

"I'm going to go check what it is." Richie tried to pry Eddie's arms off of him.

"Are you fucking insane?!? You ARE NOT going down there!" Eddie whisper-yelled.

"Eddie, I need you safe and the only to make sure that happens is if I see whatever the hell is in our apartment." Richie took his boyfriends hand.

"I'm safe as long as you're with me." Tears welled in Eddie's eyes as he pleaded.

"I swear I'll be right back just don't move." Richie said.

"You promise?" Eddie asked with tears eyes.


Richie kissed his boyfriend before quietly exiting the closet.

Eddie sobbed into his hands as he heard the door of their bedroom open and close.

Richie shut the door and took a big deep breath the cool air filling his lungs. His heart was beating out of his chest as he turned to face the stairs.

He found the power in him to take a step forward.

He was just as afraid as Eddie was but for the sake of his boyfriend he had to act calm. Eddie was his first priority no matter what.

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