27-Truth or Dare

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"That's not fair you already had four!" Eddie yelled at Stan watching him take another donut from the package Bev had brought for everybody.

It was Friday, every Friday night the Losers would meet up at somebody's house and have a sleepover. This time they were at Bill's house and his parents were out with Georgie for the night. The club sat in Bill's living room.

Bill chuckled as Stan stuffed the donut into his mouth staring Eddie dead in the eyes.

"Eddie to be fair you had four too." Richie laughed.

"So? I should have the last one." Eddie crossed his arms biting back a smile.

Everybody laughed.

"Hey we should watch a movie." Mike suggested.

"What movie Mike?" Bev asked taking a handful of chips out of the bowl on the floor.

"I don't know." Mike shrugged.

"We could play a game." Richie suggested.

"Ooooh what game?" Bev asked.

"How about truth or dare?" Ben said.

"We haven't played that in a while." Bev said taking more chips.

"Ya I'm good with that." Richie said.

"Sure." Stan nodded. "How about you Billy you good with truth or dare?" Stan asked.

"Yeah sure." Bill said.

"Eddie?" Richie asked.

"Yeah I'm fine with it but if it gets stupid I'm out." Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Okay!" Bev clapped her hands together. "STAN truth or dare?" Bev asked.

"Ummmm...truth." Stan said.

"Boringggg!!" Richie yelled earning a smack on the arm from Eddie.

"Okay, what's the lowest grade you ever got on a test?" Bev asked.

Stan looked down and mumbled. "48%."

Everybody gasped.

"No way!" Richie yelled laughing. "You got a 48%!!" Richie started laughing hysterically.

"Shut up!" Stan pushed Richie earning a chuckled from the rest of the group.

"Richie truth or dare?" Stan asked trying to clear the air.

"Dare I ain't no pussy." Richie said shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"Hmmm..." Stan started thinking and then Bev leaned over and whispered something into his ear.

Stan held in a laugh as he heard what Bev told him. Stan nodded. "Alright Richie, kiss the most attractive person in this room." Stan raised an eyebrow.

Richies eyes widened. "Can I kiss myself?" Richie smirked.

"No!" Bev shoved Richie.

"That's not fair." Richie said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah it is. Who's the hottest?" Bev asked wiggling her eyes brows.

"Nobody." Richie said.

"You're calling us ugly?" Stan laughed.

"No I just...can I have a different dare?" Richie pleaded.

Eddie sighed sorta upset that Richie didn't pick him though he knows he isn't attractive enough to be with Richie anyways. He just wished he were.

"Fine. Um..." Stan thought for a moment and then said. "Kiss Eddie." Stan said.

"What? No!" Richie said.

Eddie looked up at Richie sadly.

Richie looked at Eddie.

"No I mean-" Richie started but Eddie got up and left the room.

"What the hell?" Stan asked hearing the bathroom door shut.

"What just happened." Bev said.

"I think I might know." Richie got up. "I'll be right back." Richie said.

Richie walked down to the bathroom where he could hear Eddie crying softly. Richie took a deep breath and knocked.

"Ed's?" Richie said quietly.

"Go away Richie." Eddie said followed by a loud cry.

"N-no. No I'm not leaving." Richie said.

Richie didn't get a response until he heard the door unlock.

Richie pushed open the door and saw Eddie sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

Richie walked in and shut the door.

He took a seat next to Eddie who had tears in his eyes. It was silent until Richie spoke up.

"I would've done it." Richie said.

"Then why didn't you?" Eddie asked wiping his eyes.

"Because I didn't know you wanted me to." Richie said.

"Oh." Eddie said making an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"A dares a dare though." Richie said smiling.

Eddie looked at the taller boy confused. "What?" Eddie asked.

"A dare needs to be completed." Richie smiled.

Eddie chuckled. "Then do it." Eddie smirked. "Complete the dare." Eddie said.

Richie smirked and put his hand on Eddie's cheek gently pulling the other boy forward.

Richie leaned in a shut his eyes still smiling as his lips met Eddie's. Richie felt fireworks in his stomach as he felt Eddie kiss back just the slightest. He hoped Eddie felt them too.

Eddie wrapped his arms around Richies neck and pulled the boy closer deepening the kiss.

They both pulled away only slightly to be able to look into each others eyes.

Richie places his hands on Eddie's waist. "I competed both dares." Richie whispered.

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