25-Camping (4)

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The losers had settled around the camp fire Bill and Mike had built together. It was around 8:00 pm. It was pitch black dark outside. The only sound heard was the faint chirp of the crickets that had settled in the bushes around the camp sight.

Richie had set up his and Eddie's tent, Bill had set up the one for him and Stan. Mike had set up his own. Bev and Ben worked together to set up theirs.

The group had roasted some hotdogs on the fire. Eddie wasn't hungry though. Richie took immediate notice of this but tried not to think on it too much.

Richie had secretly brought a bag of marshmallows, 3 chocolate bars and some gram crackers because he knows that Eddie's favourite food is s'mores.

"I gotta go get somethin' " Richie said getting up from the log him and Eddie were sitting on.

"I'll be right back." Richie said as he quickly kissed Eddie in the cheek making the smaller boy smile happily.

Richie walked to his and Eddie's tent and unzipped it. He crawled in and walked over to his bag.

He noticed Eddie's bag was open and his eyes drifted towards the many bottles of pills that lay inside of the navy blue duffel bag.

He quietly crawled over to the open bag and took out one bottle.

It was half empty.

He flipped it over to see the ingredients.

Sugar, starch, sertraline, citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine.

Richie knew damn well Eddie didn't need any of this in his system.

Most of these ingredients are supposed to be used for anxiety but they have horrible side affects.

"Eddie doesn't have anxiety." Richie whispered to himself.

Richie stuffed the bottle bag in the bag unable to react.

Why is Eddie taking these? Richie asked himself.

Richie took a deep breath and went back to his bag and grabbed the ingredients for the s'mores.

He crawled out of the tent and zipped it back up so no mosquitoes came in. He knows how much Eddie hates those.

He made his way back to the log when Eddie sat with a beige blanket wrapped around him.

Richie smiled and showed everyone the things he had. He looked straight at Eddie expecting to see the boys beautiful smile, but nothing. No reaction. No movement whatsoever.

Richie frowned seeing Eddie so lifeless.

Richie set the things on the ground and walked over to Eddie.

"Eddie? I brought s'mores, your favourite." Richie sat next to the smaller boy.

"Not hungry." Eddie moved away from Richie.

"Alright, come on." Richie got up and put his hand out for Eddie.

"What?" Eddie asked looking at Richies pale hand.

"Come on, let's go for a walk." Richie smiled trying to stay happy.

Eddie sighed and grabbed Richies hand getting up from the log.

"We'll be right back y'a losers." Richie said jokingly.

"You're a losers too dumbass." Bev laughed unwrapping the marshmallows.

Richie shrugged and walked off at sill holding onto Eddie's hand.

The two walked down the gravel path silently.

"So..." Richie started trying to find the right words to say to Eddie.

"Do you have anxiety?" Richie asked.

Eddie looked surprised.

"No. Of course not." Eddie said simply.

"Then why are you taking medicine for it?" Richie asked stopping in front of Eddie.

Eddie ran into Richies chest and looked up at the taller boy with tears in his eyes.

"I'm not." Eddie said plainly.

"Eddie." Richie said firmly.

"I said I'm not." Eddie said again keeping his gaze away from Richie.

Eddie let go of Richie hand and looked at the ground.

"Is it the pills? That are making you like this?" Richie asked.

"I don't know what's happening to me anymore! I don't feel normal Richie! I need help! I don't know what to do! I'm scared Richie..." Eddie finally broke down wrapping his arms around the taller boys waist and crying into Richies chest.

"We'll figure it out together, I promise. But you can't take those pills anymore. I know you don't have anxiety, you know you don't have anxiety. You can't take that unless you really need it. It's making you really sick, I can't see you like this anymore. You're too skinny. You're pale. I can't see you like this anymore, it really hurts me." Richie put his hand on the side of Eddie's face.

Tears ran down Eddie's freckled face as he nodded.

"I won't, I promise. I won't." Eddie hugged Richie again.

"We'll make it through this together." Richie said gently pressing a kiss to Eddie's forehead.

"I love you, so much." Eddie started.

"I love you too Ed's." Richie said.

"Don't call me that." Eddie laughed.

Richie loved hearing that laughter he had missed for so long. And from now on, he knew he would hear it again.

I'm done this mini series. I might make another one. Since I've gotten so much support on this book I thought I would tell you guys a few things about myself.

Skip if you want to

My name is Mia. I play hockey. I'm a goalie. I love Reddie so much you guys have no idea. I might do a face reveal but I'm also really ugly so idk lmao. Thanks for all the support on this book. I love you all. HAVE A GOOD DAY. ❤️

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