[2] The Great Escape

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          Ever since the saddest day of my life happened, I have never truly smile again. I have always smile on my face but that just is a façade. I just wanted to grant my mother's wish for me to smile. I also wanted to be happy however there are no reason to be.

          My father and I wore black clothes on December 25 while every family in other world are in warm colorful clothes and celebrated Christmas. We never celebrated Christmas ever again.

          My father rarely talks to me again and I am too. I have five bodyguards around me even I am just here at our home. My room is the only place I can be alone while my bodyguards are just outside the door.

          I am always on my room and would just go outside if I need to eat and if my father has called me. I spend all my time reading, watching videos, and playing games. I also go once a week in our training room where I am being trained by my father for martial arts and handling equipment such as guns and swords.

          It has been my daily routine until a week before my 18th birthday. My father and I were eating together when he said I am going to meet my fiance on my 18th birthday which is just a week ahead.

          I stayed at my bed thinking after that announcement. I keep on thinking and thinking since that day. Three days to go before my birthday when my father bid farewell and said that he will be going to another country and be back on my birthday to celebrate.

          When my father was gone, I have decided that I need to get out of here. I don't want to get married on a stranger. My mother wish for me to be happy and if I stay here and marry whomever my father has decided then I won't be happy in the rest of my life.

          I have planned to escape a day before my birthday. I have asked one of our house workers to get me sleeping pills with a reason that I cannot sleep every night. I prepared all the things that I will need on my escape. I have only one big bag of all my things I will keep. I have a lot of cash and jewelries with me which I think would be enough to support me for at least a year.

          Escape day has arrived. I have ordered my house workers not to disturb the whole night until tomorrow and just call me if my father has arrived already. At around 7 in the evening, I have invited my bodyguards in my room to eat. I have given them a lot food. After an hour all of them are asleep, I get my bag on my cabinet and go outside our house through my room's window and sneak out by climbing on the fence at the back area of our house. I boarded a taxi going to the airport. I have prepared my fake passport ahead. I have spent a lot money for that. I have made sure no one could trace me once I am out. I have my needed fake documents to live as Son Chaeyoung made. I have wipe out all the data in my computer that can possibly trace on the transaction for getting these documents. I did not bring any gadgets with me in case they can use it to trace where I am.

 I did not bring any gadgets with me in case they can use it to trace where I am

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[Vnukovo International Airport (source moscovery)]

          I am now in Vnukovo International Airport and boarded in my plane. The plane took off at exactly 10 PM. After 8 hours and 45 minutes of non-stop flight, I have finally arrived. It should be 6:45 AM at home while here is 12:45 PM. I will now live in here and keep myself stay hidden.

 I will now live in here and keep myself stay hidden

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[Seoul, South Korea (source citmagazine)]

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