[14] Sick

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Mina's POV

"Why did you not tell me you are my savior?" I muttered to myself and turn on the engine as I drove home.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

"I will just nap for a bit here while you finish your tea." I said as I lean on the chair and close my eyes.

When I open my eyes, I saw Chaeyoung is sleeping on couch already. She looks peaceful. I look at my watch and realize that I have fallen asleep for almost an hour. It is already 6 in the evening.

I look again to Chaeyoung and she seems to be uncomfortable sleeping on the couch. I stood up and walk towards her. I carried her bridal style up to my room upstairs. She weighs like a feather maybe because she is small? But I won't tell her that.

I lay her on my bed and look at her for a second. She still looks uncomfortable. I touch her forehead using my right hand and there I notice that she is hot. I mean like literally.

I immediately cover her with my blanket and walk out of room. I returned with a small basin with water and a small towel. I place it in the table near my bed. I walk to my cabinet and get some clothes for her and placed it in the table too. I sit at the edge of the bed. Oh. My. This is awkward but I need to change her clothes.

No choice. No choice. Well I can order my maid to do it. But but but... NO. I can't let them see Chaeyoung's body! Yeah right. I need to do this by myself.

I inhaled deeply and assisted Chaeyoung to sit so I can remove her shirt. I felt heat coming from her body since she is sick. But I felt heat also starting to form inside me. S-STOP!!!! Mina! Calm down. I am in control. I should be.

Okay, again. I lift her shirt up, finally. Whoo... What a breath taking view I have here. I calm myself down again. I get the wet towel and wipe her upper body. As I was about to wipe her arm, there I saw what I have been looking for in more than a month.

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