[44] Mother

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Mina's POV

"Honey! Welcome home!" my father said as he was about to give my mother a hug but my mother raises her hand so he stops right in front of her. My mother looks directly at him. He lowers down both of his arms and stand straight looking nervously.

"Had you finished the task I order you to do?" she asked with authority.

"Well.... I have near-" he started while his right hand is scratching the back of his head but was interrupted by my mother.

"My question can only be answered by yes or no." my mother said firmly and now with dagger look at my father.

"W-Well.." my dad said.

"Punishment. Room. Now." My mother said.

Our men immediately hold my father as they drag him away.

As soon as they are out of the view, my mother speaks "Where is my daughter?" she asked.

"I'm here, mother" I answered nervously as I raise my right hand.

She looks at me and I lower my hand. She walks on my direction with a straight face.

"You've grown as a fine young lady." She said and smiles for second then back to her bitch face.

"I heard you have gotten yourself a girlfriend." She said.

"Yes, mother" I said.

"You know that you already had a fiancé, right?" she said.

"But-" I try to say but she interrupted me.

"Anyway, invite her over dinner." She said as she walks away from me.

I stay silent and standing until she is gone. I inhaled deeply and get my phone from my pocket and dial Chaeyoung's number.

"Hello Minari" Chaeyoung answered.

"Hi Chaengie. Uh. My mother invited you over dinner but it would be fine if your busy or something." I said.

"I will be there, Of course. It's your mother and I'd like to meet her." She said.

"Okay. I will pick you up at 6." I said.

"Sure" she said.

"Bye Chaengie. I love you." I said.

"Bye, I love you too" she said as she ended the call.

I look at my phone for a while before putting it inside my pocket.

'I hope nothing bad happens' I internally hoped and take a deep breath.

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