[10] Rain

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Mina's POV

I am on my way home riding my Mercedes car when I spotted a familiar person running in the rain. I tried to get a better view and see that was Nayeon's and Jeongyeon's friend named Chaeyoung.

She looks like a loss kitten in the road. I felt a bit bad for her.

We are about to pass through her but I order my driver to stop.

"Joe, kindly stop near that girl." I said.

"Yes, Ms. Myoui." The driver named Joe said.

We stop near Chaeyoung and I lower down the car window.

"Hey!" I called her.

I was able to get her attention so she stops running and look at my direction.

She was startled at first but look at me with questioning look.

"Yes?" Chaeyoung questioned.

"Get in" I ordered.

"N-n" Chaeyoung was about to protest but I already open the door and pulled her in.

"You are getting wet. You shouldn't run on the rain. You know." I scolded her.

"I really did not expect for it to rain. I am on my way to Jeongyeon-unnie's place." She said with a defeat expression on her face as she pouts since I scolded her.

I felt bad for scolding her. This is just our second encounter with her and now it felt like where close friend for me to scold her. She is a friend of my friend so maybe it is the reason I cared? She is like the daughter of those two.

"Whatever" I said to her.

"Joe, let's go home." I said and my driver starts the engine.

"Y-you are going to bring me in your house?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yes, we need to get yourself dry." I said.

"I can just dry myself in Jeongyeon's" she said.

"My house is nearer." I said in firm voice.

"Okay"she said defeated as she takes a deep breath and look down on her lap.

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