1. Dance with me, Won't You?

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Song Recommendation: Let's Fall in Love for the Night - Finneas



I took my time strolling toward Purgatory, I didn't want to go in yet.

It was a slow night anyway, and I didn't want to bother arguing with Arlo. Even though I was the owner, he had his own ideas on how he wanted to run the nightclub, which I could care less as long as it was under my name.

I shoved my hands in my pocket, dreading heading inside as the building came into view.

Red neon lights framed the double doors, calling out to any lonely soul to pour liquid courage down their throats and do something they'll regret in the morning.

The faraway scents of vomit and piss made me wrinkle my nose in disgust. I filtered out the arguing a couple of feet away. I crossed the street and approached the door. My fingers hovered above the handle.

Another scent crossed my nose, something that made me swivel my head around. Sandalwood and rose wafted toward me, a particularly pleasant combination. I never smelled anything like it before.

Across the street stood two men, one with the shoulders of a linebacker and one with a really bad bleach job. A brown-haired woman in front of them. Their broad shoulders blocked the woman, but no doubt the scent was coming from her.

The men loomed over her, and one of them took a step forward, making her take a step back until her back was pressed against a nearby building wall.

Most of the time I didn't like to stick my nose into things that weren't my business, but a sharp feeling tightened around my chest, making me pull my hand away from the door completely.

I leaned against the wall and took out a Marlboro from my breast pocket. I lit the cigarette and pretended as if I was scrolling through my phone, but instead, I extended my hearing to pick up on what was going on.

"I'd like to get to my friends, thank you," A melodic voice replied. I stared at her through lowered lashes as she side-stepped one of the men, but he quickly stopped her.

"Aw c'mon, why are you leavin' so soon? You just got here," The blond-haired man replied. He placed his arm above her shoulder and leaned in.

I took a long drag and let out a breath. Smoking did nothing for me, my lungs healed the damage it took from it in seconds. Arlo didn't see the point of smoking, but for me somehow, it calmed me.

She shrunk away. "Please, I don't want to be here with you." I heard her heartbeat pick up as she shifted uncomfortably.

"Don't be a tease, you wanted to step out with us," The burly man snapped.

"You wanted to talk someplace quieter, I didn't think this was what you meant!" The woman tried to walk away, but the other man grabbed her arm and shoved her against the wall.

"I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes." One of them guffawed.

My body moved without thinking. I crossed the street, cigarette jostling in the corner of my mouth. They didn't hear me until I was directly behind them.

"You're really going to force her to be with you?" I asked, taking another pull of the cigarette and dropping it to the floor.

The blond turned his head and lifted a bushy brow. "Shut up and mind yer business."

I chuckled. A thrill zinged through me at the rebellion of these men. They got off on flexing their dominance, sad sacks of toxic masculinity

"Does this feel good for you two, preying on a woman that clearly doesn't want anything to do with you?"

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