32. In denial

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SR: Tame Impala - The Less I Know the Better // Bring Me the Horizon - Follow You



A knock sounded as I passed the front door.

I stopped in my tracks and glanced at the door.

Was Lance expecting anyone?

The apartments up here were odd, and usually, the lobby called if anyone was coming up here.

I rounded the corner, making my way to the front door. A Consul agent stood by the front door, already talking to the figure in front of them. From what I could see, it was a leggy woman, with bright hot shorts and a black long sleeve bustier.

She easily slid past the agent and met my gaze. I was glued to the floor, unable to speak or even breathe. Her tawny panther eyes met mine and a dark and sensual smile spread on her blood-red lips. The woman reminded me of Snow White, with her skin as white as snow. Her heart-shaped face was framed with lower back-length ruby red spiral curls.

"Who are you?" I murmured, looking over at the agent. They pressed a button on their belt, and I'm pretty sure that her being here was some sort of security breach.

The woman's smile widened, revealing her teeth. She brandished long fangs, the longest ones I've seen so far. I've never seen a vampire with their fangs out and their eyes not transitioned. Were her cat eyes natural or was she in her vampire form?

My heartbeat quickened, and I absentmindedly rubbed my throat. Was she going to hurt me?


The woman folded her arms and raised her chin, "ah yes, just the woman I wanted to see!"

I turned around and relief coursed through me when I met Eryn's gaze. She wasn't looking at me at all. Instead, her steel gaze was at the redhead in front of me. The tension was so palpable in the air that you couldn't even cut it with a knife.

I inched towards Eryn, making my way to stand behind her. I knew that this redhead had to be the one that knew my sister. I wanted to ask her questions, but I was hesitant. With Eryn's expression, doubts crossed my mind that this woman was safe.

Her hand twitched, taking my hand she pushed me behind her. I was cautious to be near Eryn too, but my heart wildly beat against my ribcage and it felt tight not being close to her.


The girl's smile grew sinister within seconds. "It's Hades, remember? Gotta catch up with the times, girlie." She was oddly animated, forcing me to wonder if she was a vampire at all.

Eryn scoffed as she folded her arms.

"What the Hell do you want?"

Hades moved her gaze from Eryn and then to me.

"I see you haven't gotten over your past addictions. It's been quite a while, hasn't it Eryn?"

Eryn laughed, but there was no humor in it.

"I see you're still the same raving bloody rotter," Her accent was more profound as anger seeped into her words. Venom dripped from her tone and it sent a shudder through me. Her jaw was set and a nerve ticked.

Holy blubber, Eryn must really be angry then, I thought. What kind of history did they have together? Was this why Eryn didn't want to talk about her?

Faster than my eyes could track, Hades was gone from in front of Eryn. Suddenly, she was behind me, looming over my petite frame. I turned around and gasped, backing up and bumping into Eryn.

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