69. Blues or Nostalgia, either one

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Sixty nine.Eryn.

"You're so fucked."

"Gee, thanks, Velsyren, that's really bloody helpful," I snapped as I nearly got shoulder checked by a rabid creature gunning toward us.

Waverly screamed as a feral vampire rushed toward her on all fours. It skin was taut around its face, giving it a skeletal look with teeth way too big for its angular face.

My hand shot out and I grabbed the feral by the neck before it touched a hair on Waverly's head. I straddled its back and gripped it throat in a death grip. It screeched and clawed at me wildly, doing whatever possible to get me off it.

I crushed its neck without any hesitation and made quick work of tearing its head from its neck. The screams cut off quickly and I breathed heavily as I got off it and threw the ferals' head on the floor unceremoniously.

"Surely you're not going to do that to every creature we come across?" Waverly asked. Her worried gaze traveled past me and the distant screams could only mean one thing.

I sighed. At this rate, the possibility of finding Marina was virtually impossible. "This place really is infested, great."

Velsyren folded her arms and walked over the ferals' quickly decomposing body. "Do you even know where to begin? I think you should get out of here while you have the chance."

"That's easy for you to say, you can just pop out whenever it gets too dangerous for you, can't you?" Waverly glared at the demon, "what's in it for you anyways?"

"Alright, I'm done listening to you," Velsyren took several steps away from Waverly, "before I eat you myself." She muttered the last part, low enough that Waverly couldn't hear it, but I sure as Hell did.

I knew it'd be a risk summoning Velsyren, but at a time like now, I didn't have any other choice. The sheer number of vampires in the city would overwhelm me quickly if I wanted to fight them all. We needed the numbers to find Marina and get out of here.

"I'm going to get high ground and looked around. You said they're in a building in the city?" Velsyren asked, not waiting for my answer. She easily climbed on top of electrical wires and like a cat, she leaped onto the nearest platform ledge. The building she climbed on was missing half of its structure, but Velsyren didn't hesitate as she scaled the building in seconds.

Carefully, I observed as more ferals surrounded us, their eyes only on Waverly. They salivated and let their drool ooze on the floor as they decided their next step. Their movements were sloppy as they lunged for her.

With a speed faster than them, I wrapped my arm around Waverly's waist and leaped onto a restaurant building. It wasn't high enough to keep them away, but they stayed at the ground, probably debating their next move.

The ferals were natural hunters, but not very bright at strategizing. I had to use that to my advantage while I still had it.

"Look!" Velsyren called from the higher building. She pointed at something behind us and I turned around.

Waverly gasped. "What is that?"

Blue flames devoured the side of a glass apartment complex. It raged from the middle of the building and quickly made its way upward. The wind went in the direction of the flames, igniting them further. It gave light to the area around it. Grey dots littered the area around the building. I watched as the dots shifted and a wave of them charged into the burning building.

"How much you wanna bet your damsel is in there?" Velsyren huffed.

"I've never seen flames like that before," Waverly whispered. Half of her face lit due to the flames. If I focused hard enough, I could feel the steady heat coming from that direction.

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