70. Destruction of the Soul

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Destruction of the SoulSeventyHades.

I laughed bitterly as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Sagan had gotten a good swipe at my face and my bloodied lip paid the prize. I glanced down at the blood smeared on my hand.

Sagan was younger than me by a couple of a hundred years. It shouldn't have been possible for her to have this amount of strength, and yet here she was, hitting with a nasty right hook and dodging my attacks.

She stood in the way of where Nerissa had gone. I hardly noticed her leaving with how enraged I became.

Sagan charged through and swung at me.

I raised my gaze as Sagan lunged for me, her speed matching my own. She raised her fist, but feinted, throwing her arm backward as she slid forward and tried using her leg to swept out mine.

I grinned and strengthened my calves and even with the immense strength, she still couldn't make me budge.

"You should know that my legs aren't a weakness of mine."

She cursed and darted backward, narrowly avoiding my first colliding with her temple. She threw up her arms and I swiftly brought my arm up and use the momentum to elbow past her defenses.

Why do you dare face me now? I pushed myself into her mind as I planted a flurry of punches as her stomach. She doubled over and I grabbed the base of her neck as I brought up my knee into her gut again.

Sagan coughed and heaved as she fell to the ground. She already was rising to her elbows. "Because, I wanted to see the look on your face."

I stiffened and leaned in, keeping my face eye level with hers. "Did Lucinda put you up to this?"

Sagan chuckled as she spat out blood. She lifted her gaze to me. One eye was swollen shut and a nasty bruise spiderwebbed down the side of her face. She was going to look unrecognizable by the time I was done with her.

"Think of this as payback."

"Which part? Killing Nerissa? Turning her and hiding it from me?" I roughly grabbed the front of her shirt and heaved her effortlessly to her feet. I leaned in. "I know Lucinda taught you how to shield your mind from me. I'll give her credit for that. Did you think if you sided with her, you'd be safe from my wrath?"

Sagan's eyes blazed in hatred. "You've taken so much from me. I want to destroy everything you hold dear. Nerissa was simply the beginning."

"Sweetie, you can't do anything that I haven't already done to myself. You're going to tell me where Nerissa went. And you're going to tell me where Luce is hiding."

Sagan's eyes twinkled in merriment. "You could never satisfy Nerissa. Its why it was so easy to bring her to our place. She writhed under Luce and I. I can't imagine how you must feel that even Eryn had a bite of her sweet ass."

Heat coursed up my body and ignited my flames. I grabbed either side of Sagan's head and squeezed. Sagan's face contorted in anguish as I presser harder.

"You're unwanted here. No one could follow a sire whose never there."

"Oh, shut your gob," I snarled. I put all my strength into crushing her skull with my bear hands. It was like crushing a pumpkin, the bone cracking and soft gooeyness seeping out.

I watched as Sagan's body grew limp. She fell her knees fully dropped first and then her torso shortly after.

I lifted my head and stared at the inferno before me. The fire raged on like souls from Hell itself transported through the flames. Slivers of my anguish and rage spread along the floor, creating a massive crater in the ground. The ceiling from down the hall caved in, trapping me from turning to the staircase.

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