53. The Day After

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SR: Joji - Demons

Fifty Three


Bright lights flashed across my vision in a pattern, eradicating the black dots. I was laying on something, and it was moving steadily over a smooth floor. It wasn't comfortable, but I was so exhausted that I didn't care. I chose to lay here with my eyes closed, ignoring the light that broke through my eyelids.

Marina was gone...

"She just left?" Chris' voice boomed on my right side, probably keep up with the thing that was pushing me through hallways, or what I hoped were hallways.

"Her sister was compelled, how could she not? Trust me I tried tracking her and even caught up to them but a demon attacked me. I think Lucinda has more allies than we think."

"I don't like this at all. If we don't take care of this, a lot of people are going to get hurt," Chris sighed.

"I decided to go back to get information from anyone I could lay my hands on. Brixton told me Nerissa gave him the B-cells to drug Eryn—" Hades voice cut off immediately.

"Eryn? Why Eryn?" Lance grabbed my arm, causing me to flinch as he studied the ink carefully. "Does it have to do with why Eryn has a familiar now?"

"It went by Velsyren. Lucinda and Nerissa got away when she summoned it," Hades explained, her voice coming closer, "Don't ask me how that's possible."

"It's not unheard of," Chris countered, "Hades, did any of your family members have familiars?"

"Of course, my father and I could summon familiars," Hades sighed, "but Eryn didn't have any control of it. It doesn't respect her. Nor it respected me. And she's a turned vampire, how could she summon one to being with?"

Chris cleared his throat. "Eryn do you still have the B-cells? I think it's time I run my own tests on what was is it really."

I stirred slightly, looking down at my wrists. They were bound to the gurney's metal railings. I let out a huff of air.

"Is this all really necessary? I don't appreciate feeling like a failed science experiment." I rolled my eyes. Nothing more embarrassing than being at the mercy of everyone. They all spoke as if I wasn't even here.

"We care about you, Eryn. We don't trust that demon companion," Lance replied, "what's their intentions? A serpent that attacks anything it seeks? If it gets summoned, it could hurt any one of us, mostly you."

"It's attuned to her emotions. I don't mind smacking you around to take down Velsyren, but I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it." Hades lifted herself onto the gurney, sitting at my legs.

I frowned, "It's not going to get summoned again. Let me out of these. We should be trying to find where Marina is."

"We have Sagan and Ally tracking her now," Lance put his hand on my shoulder, "there's nothing for you to do right now but rest, don't you understand? We need you to be at your best right now. We'll get her back, but for now let's focus on you and your health."

"I'm resting while she's out there?"

"She knows full well what she's doing," Hades grumbled, "she chose she go. Nerissa came to her and told her to go with her."

"How do you know this?" I strained against the binds and glared at Hades. A knowing glint in her eye, the twinkle in them knowing something we all didn't. Her tongues ran over her lower lip and she winked. Hades could never hide things; it wasn't who she was. Her smug expression told me all I needed to know.

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