39. Illusions of the past

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SR: Timmies, Nineteen95 – Cruel

Thirty Nine.


I let out a deep breath, feeling pretty accomplished that I got Eryn to agree with my idea. Well, it wasn't necessarily my idea. It was Hades'. That part I wasn't planning on telling Eryn. She already seemed mad enough that I was trying to get her to feed on me, even if it was just a little. It was for the best, the only way that I could get comfortable with Eryn and how it could curb her cravings and ween her off my blood slowly.

I watched her as she tilted the chair back and closed her eyes. Her fingers clasped tightly enough that the whites of her knuckles were visible. Her t-shirt was a bit too small for her and it clung to her breasts that were shapelier than I had noticed before.

Eryn didn't wear shirts like this often. She always opted for a button-down or a thermal. Occasionally she'd wear shirts there that were much bigger than this one. I dragged my eyes away from her breasts; this wasn't the time. Eryn was trying to relax, trying to ride out the high of my blood? I don't know. As much as she told me, I didn't know how much blood was to her. It was still hard to grasp that concept.

"I can feel you watching me," Eryn replied, her voice even and unwavering. The typical anxiety-driven edge to it seemed to wean itself out. I turned my head toward her. Eryn's eyes were their typical steel grey. I sighed in relief. Her fangs were still poking out of her pouty lips, but they weren't at full length. Progress.

"I was thinking," I started, walking over and picking up my shirt and tights, "Maybe you should stop taking the B-cells. It can't be good for you taking it as often as you do."

Eryn sighed, adjusting the chair back to its sitting position.

"I'm not addicted to it."

'Eryn has an addictive personality. She's so transparent, she'll just outright tell you the opposite of what she is.' Hades' voice rang tried and true in my head.

I bit my lip, trying to think what to say next. Hades was right, Eryn did have an addictive personality. I didn't see all the signs before, but Slowly, I've been catching onto them. Before, they seemed like bad habits to me.

"It's a bad habit?" I tried, sliding on my pants.

She raised her brow.

"What are you doing, trying to therapize me?" A faint grin crawled itself to her mouth. Her fangs were completely gone and there was a playful expression on her face.

"Therapize?" A smile made its way to my face. Sometimes Eryn surprised me. "No, I'm just getting to know you more. Although maybe therapy wouldn't be a bad idea, you know."

Eryn straightened up.

"I fucked a therapist once, she gave terrible advice."

My eyebrows shot up. "What?"

"I'm joking," She chuckled, standing up and taking a step toward me. There was a predatorial look in her gaze as Eryn reached for my hand, tugging me closer to her. "When did I say you could get dressed?"

I felt a zing shoot down through my lower belly. I nestled myself in her arms, and she held me there for a moment kissing my shoulder. I closed my eyes and tilted my head, trying to settle my quickened pulse.

A guttural moan came from Eryn as she dropped her head on the crook between my neck and shoulder. I blinked in surprise.

"Are you okay?"

Her hands lowered and she squeezed my waist a bit.

"You're so beautiful," she muttered against my skin. A shudder rolled down my spine. My heartbeat picked up and there was no way I could slow it down. I wanted her to take me again on this desk.

"Marina," Eryn laughed—a genuine laugh before she detached herself from me and stood up. "I'm gonna go shower."

I nodded, "you go do that." I closed my eyes and let out a frustrated breath. She was such a tease sometimes.

Eryn was gone from the room within seconds. The shower turned on and then turned off. I heard the door open and there Eryn was in bright red boxers and a black tank top. "The showers free," her hair was soaking wet, dripping down her neck.

"Convenient trick, but I think you forgot to dry yourself," I pointed to her unshaven legs that were dripping water.

Her eyes widened and she disappeared. I shook my head and simpered quietly to myself. I headed to the bathroom and caught Eryn sitting on the sink and drying her leg with a towel. Her eyes narrowed in scrutiny as she stared at me.

"I think you just wanted me in the bathroom, love."

I blushed, turning my gaze to the ground. She just said these on a whim?

"I didn't want you to get sick."

"Get sick?" Eryn laughed. "We got sick because of the blood supply."

I frowned, "But it was scary. There was a moment I didn't think we'd get out."

"But you did and you were strong. It won't happen again," Eryn said, getting off the sink and walking past me. "Enjoy your shower."

I sighed, closing the door behind her. I glanced at the bathroom. There was a large window near the shower that always made me nervous. Since we were on the top floor, Eryn said no one could see us. However, wouldn't we be seen even more so? Luckily, she had blackout curtains that I could cover. Walking up to the curtain, I grabbed the black fabric and pulled it closed.

I paused for a moment staring at the roof below us. There was a woman crouched, with her hair caught in the wind. I narrowed my eyes. She was blurry, yet I could make out enough of her silhouette to notice she looked familiar. I squinted my eyes and peered closer, taking in the dark long hair.

"Eryn!" I called. I needed vampire eyes for this.

She appeared in the bathroom suddenly. "Are you okay? Your pulse spiked up!" Eryn hissed; her fangs instantly snapped out.

"Describe that woman to me on the roof," I pointed to the window.

Eryn knitted her brows together and approached the window.

"What woman?"

My eyes widened. I whirled my gaze back to the window searching for the crouched woman.

"There was someone on the roof, staring up here!"

Eryn's eyes hardened. "Was she blonde?"

"No, she had dark hair, I just couldn't make out her features..." I trailed off, shaking my head. "I probably need some sleep."

Yeah, I'm tired, I was just seeing things. Maybe it was someone on the roof but they were just there?

"I'll be just outside the door," Eryn said, planting a quick kiss on my cheek.

I was on autopilot, closing the door and turning on the shower. I quickly closed the curtains and headed to the shower. I didn't want to say it aloud. I knew exactly who that looked like.


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