9. Knight in Rust Armour

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Song Recommendation: Timmies ft. Shiloh - Again



Son of a sea urchin, I should've asked Eryn to walk me to Syd's, I thought.

The road I decided to take to Syd's apartment was ill illuminated, leaving a large berth of darkness between me and the street light. I sped up, reaching the other yellow circle in record time.

I was only one block away from Syd's apartment. I was hoping that Flynn was there as well, it would be nice to get the chance to talk to him. I just hoped he would forgive me as quick as Syd did.

An abrupt laugh shook me away from my thoughts.

I tipped my head up, watching as two men walked in tandem with each other toward me. My body tensed up and I looked toward the other side of the street, wondering if I could cross in time before they passed me.

A sharp, unsettling feeling took hold of my chest as they drew near. The shorter one laughed again and glanced upward, making eye contact with me for a split second.

I turned my head away and walked to the side, making myself as small as possible as if it could make me invisible.

The taller walked with a wide stance and once he passed me, his elbow brushed against mine.

I flinched and backed away, nearly colliding into a nearby car mirror.

He turned his sanded colored head toward me and mumbled an apology, not breaking his stride.

I did something between a nod and a half squeak before I sprinted down the block, turning to Syd's street.

The block was well-lit since it was a campus apartment. I walked up the hill, passing a collection of rose bushes before heading toward her front door.

I didn't bother pressing the bell that broke upon Syd first moving here. The corner of her sofa had clipped the button and that was it for the bell.

I headed inside the hall and walked upstairs, putting a hop into my step. I was glad to see Syd and Flynn; I could use some reflection about Neri.

I reached the top of the stairs and let out a tired sigh. Those stairs always exhaust me, I could really use a dip.

Baths weren't cutting it and felt nothing like the ocean. It did little to soak my scales or replenish my energy. Maybe I'd ask Syd and Flynn to take a swim.

I raised my hand to knock on the door, but my eyes darted to the lock. The doorframe was splintered, as if something pushed it in with brute force, breaking the lock.

I tensed and hesitated to step inside. What if they were robbed? Syd had a habit of breaking things, but would she really leave it like this?

I brushed my fingers against the door and leaned in, listening to hear if there was any movement.

"Syd?" I called, pushing the door opened wider. I stepped into her living room and looked around. The TV was still there and nothing seemed like it was rummaged through.

"Flynn?" I called, jolting at the sounds of my voice echoing in.

I walked deeper into the apartment, heading toward the hall where Syd's room was. The door was completely open, splintered, just like the front door.

My heart hammered in my chest as I saw something dark on the floor. Each step matched the rhythm of my pulse as I approached the stained ground.

Blood was smeared along the wood floors as if someone was dragged out of this room. I looked around frantically, looking for any traces of Syd.

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