66. MotivE

83 9 0

Sixty six.


Eryn whizzed past me without realizing my presence. I pressed my back against the building's shadows and watched as she shoved something in her pocket and stalked forward. There was a light sheen of sweat above her brow.

I closed my eyes and let out a huff. She didn't waste any time finding her fix. Clenching my fists, I ignored the waves of grief that ell over me. It was a wet blanket, shoving my head and chest. I could almost hear Sybil yelling at me now, wondering how it only took me a couple of weeks to destroy this young vampire.

Her young vampire, her first scion.

Sybil's last wish; to round up the rest of her scions and watch of them. If they were going to be anything like Eryn, I wasn't sure if I wanted to take care of them all. Eryn was only a couple of hundred years younger than me, but she sure was a brat.

I tipped my head towards the sky and narrowed my eyes. Why did I have to get stuck with them?

I ignored the feeling of shame, since it was my fault that Sybil was dead. I could've fought my own battles, but there she was, she protected her sire and that got her six feet under.

I straightened up and began tracking Eryn, knowing that she probably was looking for another source. She walked in between trees, staying as far as she could from humanity.

Her inky head bobbed up and down as she walked. I was a couple of feet behind her, masking myself with a glamour. She could've see me, but if she looked hard enough, the façade of a middle-aged human would fade away.

Eryn stopped in front of steel gates, peering inside the property.

I angled myself to follow her gaze, looking carefully at a daimyo's building. My brows shot up. What could she possibly want with a lord? She wasn't afraid of getting herself in trouble and at a time like now, only recklessness would come from her.

Samurai stood camped inside the gates. They stood up ramrod straight protecting the grounds and the lord of the land.

I redirected my gaze to Eryn's position, but she was gone.

I grunted and looked both ways, wondering where she could've gone. Eryn could've have gone far.

"Why are you following me?" Eryn's presence appeared behind me.

I whipped around and grabbed her coat. "What are you doing?" I hissed. Effortlessly, I picked her up and slammed her on the ground. I loomed over her.

Her nostrils flared. "Nothing that has to do with you." She jutted her chin out and turned her face slightly away from mine.

My eyes dipped to her exposed collar. Her throat was right there. I could force everything she was keeping from me with a single bite. I dragged my gaze back toward her face.

Eryn's eyes widened as realization settled in. I lunged forward and sank my teeth into her neck, and used my other hand to over her mouth from screaming so loud.

Warm blood poured into my mouth. I shuddered slightly, ignoring the small traces of other substances she had floating in her bloodstream. I pushed away the carnal sensations and focused on separating her recent memories. I forced them into my mind, catching her conversation with a woman.

A man sat across from them, a seer. I reviewed the conversation, figuring out this was why she was here. Her thoughts slipped into my mind. Eryn knew the woman she was tracking. The woman was holed up on the estate.

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