2. The Hybrid

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|| Alaric's Apartment ||

E and I arrive to Ric's apartment, E knocks on the door.

"Go away, Damon!" Ric says, E knocks again.
Ric finally opens the door.

"Hi." We greet.

"You're, uh... Not who I expected." He says.

"I need you to tell me what you know about Stefan and Tennessee." E says.

"Did you miss the part where I checked out of all this?" He asks.

"Come on, Ric. Whatever Damon knows, you know." I say.

"Ask Damon." He says.

"Yeah, but Damon's not exactly in the mood to help right now." E says.

"For good reason. Because it's not safe for you. Stefan's off the rails." He says.

"Yeah, but he's still holding on to his humanity, which means he can still be saved, he's family we have to try." I say looking at him.

"And why do you two have to be the one to save him?" He asks.

"Because I'm not the kind of person who checks out. Look, he would never give up on me. I'm not gonna give up on him. Tell me what you know, Ric. Please. Scarlett is his last niece left. We can bring William." She says.

"They've been tracking werewolves, he and Klaus. All over the eastern seaboard. We thought we had 'em just outside of Memphis..." Ric says.

|| Mystic Grill ||

On the way to the Grill I tell E about John passing away, she said she'd call to check in on Sam and Dean. I give her a sly smile.

Elena and I are talking with Tyler and Jake.

"A lot of us like to keep to ourselves for the full moon, chain ourselves up. But there are some werewolves that like to gather in places were they don't have to do that, where they can enjoy it ." Tyler says.

"What kind of places?" She asks.

"Mountains, state parks, deserts, that kind of stuff." Jake says.

"Anywhere in Tennessee?" I ask.

"Yeah. Here. Give me your phone. I'll try to pull up a map." Tyler says, She gives him her phone.

"Thanks for this. I know it's asking a lot." E says.

"Scar you should do a tracking spell." Jake says.

"I did, I'm sure grandpappy Nik got a witch." William says.

"William?" I ask, he gives me a smirk and nods his head. Greets Jake and says hi to Tyler, William doesn't really like him.

"As Caroline likes to remind me, Stefan's in this mess because I bit Damon. I figure I owe you one. Have you talked to her today?" Tyler asks, William and Jake give me a look and I shake my head.

"No. Why?" She asks.

"Just curious. Here." Tyler gives her her phone.

"That's your best bet." He says, Elena rejoins Alaric at the bar.

"Alex called, he's throwing a party, your roommate's going." Jake says.

"Her name is Viola, and she's cousin with Alex of course she's going." I say.

"You should come, he says to save him a dance." William teases, I roll my eyes.

"Too bad, I'm on saving our uncles humanity and I'm going hunting this weekend." I smile a little.

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