Everyone Loves a Clown

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|| Roadhouse Saloon ||

After Dean and Sam has settled with Ellen and Jo that they were hunters and John Winchester's kids. They spoke about John briefly. Sam, and Ellen talk about a case.

At the window, Dean sits down by Jo.

"How did your mom get into this stuff, anyway?" Dean asks.

"From my dad. He was a hunter. He passed away." Jo says.

"I'm sorry." Dean apologizes.

"It was a long time ago. I was just a kid. Sorry to hear about your dad." Jo says.

"Yeah. So. I guess I've got fifty one hours to waste. Maybe tonight we should, uh..." He looks up at her. "No, you know what? Never mind."

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing, just, uh, wrong place, wrong time." He says.

"You know, I thought you were gonna toss me some cheap pickup line." She says. Dean chuckles, embarrassed. "Most hunters come through that door think they can get in my pants with some... pizza, a six pack, and side one of Zeppelin IV." She adds looking at him.

"Well... what a bunch of scumbags." He says.

"Not you." She says.

"I guess not." He says.

"Dean, come here, check this out." Sam says.

"Yeah." Dean says.

"A few murders, not far from here, that Ellen caught wind of. Looks to me like there might be a hunt." Sam says.

"Yeah. So?" Dean asks.

"So, I told her we'd check it out." Sam says.

"Fine, Scarlett texted she wants in on a hunt, if not she'll strangle Jeremy and Will." Dean says.

"They're fighting again?" Sam asks.

"Mhm." Dean nods.

|| Gilbert Home || Scarlett's POV

I was looking through thing an escape from Mystic Falls, from juggling Jeremy's mood swings to E's obsession over tracking Stefan, to Damon not following on his brother. I began making dinner for my siblings, dad had taught me a few things along with William. My phones ringing and I answer it putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" I ask as I cut the vegetables.

"Doll, we have a case." Dean says.

"Really?" I squeal.

"Did you just?" He asks.

"Yes, move on Winchester." I say. I check on the chicken on the stove and flip it.

"Are you cooking?" He asks.

"Yes, don't sound so surprised." I say.

"You just told me you didn't cook." He says.

"Well, Elena and Jeremy don't cook, Alaric is usually drinking bourbon and out with Damon, they need to be fed. My dads and William taught me a few things." I say. "No more of my normal life of tell me about the case. Where do we meet?" I ask. He tells me the details as I finish cooking and I let Jermey and Elena know the foods ready.

"Can we watch tv?" Jer asks. I turn to look at E who shrugs.

"Actually we need to talk, So take a seat at the table." I say. Jer, E and I take a seat. "I'll be going on a hunt, if that's a okay with you guys?" I ask.

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