5. The Reckoning

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     Sam and Dean has left this morning to work on a case. As much as I wanted to go I had to prepare Jeremy, E and myself for school. They start school this week, I started it next. All my things are in my dorm room, from my summer program.

I was currently at Mystic Falls High School, Caroline was mad I skipped all my activities last year. You can't exactly blame me, as everyone was trying to kill Elena, and she wasn't trying to save herself. Jake tagged along with me feeling the same, things kept changing and we just kinda didn't care.

Matt arrives triggering all the mouse traps. 

"Ohh! Oh, come on! Seriously?! Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?!" Caroline says, I laugh at how ironic this is.

"Forgot about senior prank night, huh?" Tyler asks.

"Clearly." Matt says.

"How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since like freshman year. I even made Jake and Scarlett join as they skipped theirs." Care says.

"Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this." E says.

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this." Matt says.

"Caroline's making us." Bonnie and I say at the same time. We smile at each other.

"We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that stay with us forever, and if we don't..." Care says.

"And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?" E says.

"Go ahead and make fun, I don't care." Care says.

"You're all lame. And I've got ten more classrooms to prank." Ty takes his bag and leaves. E and I share a look, we're about to leave too.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Care asks.

"To superglue Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories." E smiles. Caroline smiles too.

"I love you!" Care says. We go out of the classroom and sees Tyler giving instructions to other students. E laughs and opens the double doors. We're face to face with Klaus.

"There's my girls." Klaus says.

"Klaus!" E says.

"The evil is coming." I say making the connection.

"You're supposed to be dead. What are we going to do about that?" Klaus asks. He grabs my arm. "Don't try anything Scarlett I wouldn't do it! Don't even think of using your grandmother!" He snaps. I just nod, as he looks very scary.

Klaus is holding onto E's arm and my own, as we walk through school.

"You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing." Klaus says.

"If you're going to kill me, just do it!" E says.

"Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer." He says. We enter the gym. A few students are here making pranks. Klaus speaks with an American accent. "Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home" He sees Dana and another student. He gets closer to them and speaks with his normal voice "You two. I remember you."

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Daña asks.

"Run!" I warn. 

"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met." He says. He compels her. " Lift your foot up, please, Dana." He looks at the boy "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?"

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