7. Ghost World

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Scarlett is in her bedroom drawing in one of her journals when someone's taps her.

"Elena I said I want to be alone." Scarlett says.

"Sorry I'm not Elena." Said a familiar yet unfamiliar voice to Scarlett. She turns around with wide eyes, it's like looking at herself, but older. Eliza has dark brown eyes like Ivory and doesn't have a mole on her check like Scarlett.

"What?" Scarlett asks confused.

"I'm Eliza, it's a pleasure to finally mee you." Eliza says.

"I uhm. Wow. Hi." Scarlett says nervously.

"I'm your grandma Eliza. We look alike, a lot. We look like our great great great grandmother." Eliza says. Scarlett nods her head. "Oh yeah, I'm here. Uhm your magic, don't be scared of it, just don't turn evil. Protect your people Scarlett. Protect the humans, keep the balance but not everything is black and white." She says.

"Okay, you told me to be careful about the evil? And who's coming?" Scarlett asks.

"You'll know, we don't know in what form she's coming, but she's coming Scarlett, don't trust her. I need to go, I need to speak to Will." Eliza says.

"Okay, thank you. And you should see my mom. Maybe Klaus and put him in his place." Scarlett says Eliza smiles and pulls her into a hug.

"I will Scarlett, thank you for being nice to your mother. You should be careful with Dean." Eliza says.

"Why?" Scarlett asks.

"There's a destiny for you Scarlett, and it will scares you to the bones. Don't let people tell you what to do or who to love. I love the father of my child and he loves me, I was grateful. I did everything to protect you guys. Do the same, don't be so hard on the Mikaelsons, they love you and care for you. They'll fight for you, if you let them in. The journal Gloria gave you should help you understand. Don't read it until you're ready." Eliza says.

"I can't." Scarlett says.

"You're in pain Scarlett. I feel it, you're baby didn't come into the other side, he's pure. I'm sure he's in heaven." Eliza smiles. Scarlett nods and holds back the tears.

Meanwhile in Ivory's home, Will was in his bedroom when Eliza appears.

"Grandma?" Will asks.

"Hi, Will." Eliza smiles.

"What are you? How?" He ask.

"The door opened, and I'm here. I need to warn you. I've warn Scarlett." She says.

"What is it? Have you seen Grandpa Nik?" He asks.

"She's coming and you'll know when she does, we don't know in what form she's coming, but she's coming William, don't trust her. You can't allow her to get her hands on this family, you and Scarlett can't let that happen. She'll use you." Eliza says.

"So we don't trust anyone but ourselves, family first." Will says. Eliza nods.

"I need to get going and speak to your mom and Nik. Take care Will." She pulls him into a hug.

"I will." He says.

"Thank you for keep the girls safe and Nik a little bit sane." She smiles, Will laughs.

"Yeah sane. Moms downstairs." Will says. Eliza nods her head and wavers leaving downstairs.

Ivory's cooking she hears someone move something. "Will is that you?"

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