8. A Very Supernatural Christmas

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       𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙆𝙡𝙖𝙪𝙨 is alive, after much relief and screaming from Ivory and him. Mostly Faith screaming at Klaus for allowing her to believe she had lost another parent. Rebekah had tried to calm them down and Elijah had watched with amusement. Will sat back and ignored them, Scarlett paid no attention along with Zach.

"The council is dead." Zach says walking inside Ivory's home.

"Well, at least our secret is safe away with the dead." Will jokes, "too soon?" He asks, Scarlett bites down her bottom lip, to prevent herself from laughing.

"Great. Jeremy just let me told me we have a hunter in town." Scarlett says reading her text message. "Tyler was attacked in his own home, dad they are asking why certain members weren't at the council meeting." She says.

"He'll come check on me." He says. "So you two better not come out while I deal with him."

"We have a service to go to, April's dad Pastor Young passed away, I use to babysit her." Scarlett says.

"Don't shake anyone's hand." Ivory says. The twins nod and they go off to prepare for the service.

           𝙎𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙙 𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙚, she had even gotten Dean and Sams sent. She had set the house up, with Christmas decorations with the help of Rebekah.

"You're used to doing Christmas big?" Rebekah asks Scarlett who nods.

"Yeah, my parents, they always made it magical for my siblings and I." Scarlett smiles fondly thinking of the last Christmas with her parents and family.

The Gilbert home was decorated beautifully for Christmas, Grayson was cooking alongside Scarlett. Elena and Miranda baked a cake, as Jeremy helped set up the last minute decorations for dinner.

"Can we open presents early this year?" Jeremy asks.

"NO!" Elena and Scarlett yelled making Jenna and Miranda laugh. Grayson shook his head at his kids,

"Is Tyler coming over?" Jenna asks Scarlett.

She shook her head, "Mason and the rest of the family are coming over."

"Yuke, Lockwood reunion." Jenna commented making Jeremy and Elena laugh. "More like asswood." Jeremy mumbled making Scarlett laugh. At the dinner table, the Gilberts all sat at the table and ate telling stories and all.

"Scarlett?"Rebekah brought her out of her thoughts, she smiled softly at the young girl.

"I uhm, can cook for dinner." Scarlett smiles.

"Yeah, I can help." Rebekah smiles.

"The council memorial is on the twenty-six." Faith said walking towards the girls.

"We're going before the hunter gets suspicious." Zach announced. "I can help with cooking, the dinner."

"Well, we have everything ready for tomorrow we just need to cook." Rebekah said.

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