Salvatore Family

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"Scarlett this is your gift from Stefan and I, we got it before he left, as a graduation gift." Damon hands me keys.

"What?" I ask.

"Get in the car I'll show you." He says, I get in his car and he drives us. It's around thirty minutes outside Mystic Falls it's a cabin.

"What why?" I ask.

"Stefan and I wanted you to have an escape, with all the crazy." He says. I look around, it's a two story cabin.

"It's so big, and its only for me." I say.

"Think of it as a safe house, and it's not that big. Stefan is sorry that he can't be here, he picked it out, now that your siblings know you're a Mikaelsons the tension it's surreal. Sorry we're a week late giving it to, but there's a lot going on." He says I nod my head tying to hold back the tears.

"So I find out that I have psychotic family and I get gifts?" I laugh crying.  "I didn't want bring up the tension, I think it will go away, with time hopefully." I smile at him.

"Lets go check inside." He says. I make my way to open it and I go in, Damon's waiting outside I raise my eyebrow at him. "You have to invite me in." He says, I nod my head.

"Damon Salvatore you're invited into my cabin." I smile and he enters. "How were you able to sign it to my name?" I ask.

"When we were signing you the Salvatore boarding house, we got your signatures." He says, I nod my head. We take a tour of the house.

"I want to move my things in here, my important documents. I also don't want anyone to know about this, can this stay between us?" I ask. He nods his head. I go back to look at the cabinets, I find a file. I open it. It's a letter with my name on the envelope. 

Dearest niece Scarlett,

        I write this with a heavy heart, I'm sorry I wasn't there to see you when Damon gave you our present, I have something else. Since your mother told me you and Will were on your way, I set up a saving account for when you went to college, I put in money every month, and if I haven't had met I would of lied about a scholarship, but now I got the pleasure of knowing you, I come clean. So this money is for you, you'll find a check, in the file, you can pay for college or travel and go see the world. I hope you enjoy your cabin and college, I did enjoy college. I love you, take care and watch out for everyone.

Uncle Stefan

I see the check and it's a lot of money, I just stare at it, stunned by Stefan's kindness.

"What's up?" Damon asks. His mouth forms into an o. "Stefan, the sweet sweet Stefan." He says in a teasing manner.

"What am I supposed to do with this much money?" I ask.

"He said to travel, or pay for your college, it's your money. I think he had one open for Will too." Damon says.

"Grad school." I say.

"You're actually going?" He asks teasingly. "I'm just saying the Salvatore's have money left, you won't have to work, don't get me started on your mothers family, plus you have vampires for family." He says, I roll my eyes.

"I have to work, I can't just not work." I say.

"I mean you can." He says, I stand in my position, not responding, I look around I'm in a different place, Mom's ranch.

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