Happy Birthday baby Mikealsons

888 31 12

Aug 2nd 2006
Scarlett's POV

I wake up to my siblings signing to me.

"What?" I ask, they're hold a cupcake up, Elena and Jermey smile at me.

"Happy Birthday Scottie!" E says.

"Happy birthday Scarly!" Jeremy smiles. I smile at them. They hug me and we do a group hug.

"Someone's downstairs waiting for you. Get ready." Jermey smiles.

"Okay." I say.

"I just need to fix my my hair and change." I say. I change quickly into as red dress, retouch my hair.

 I change quickly into as red dress, retouch my hair

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I head downstairs and see my parents with Will.

"You guys are here?" I ask.

"It's your first birthday with us." Mom says. I hug her.

"Happy birthday." She says. We pull away.

"Mom no crying, it's a happy day." I say. 

"Okay." She wipes away the tears. I hug my dad, "happy birthday precious girl." He says,

"Thank you." I say. I pull away and hug Will.

"Happy birthday Will." I say hugging him.

"She calles me Will." Will says smiling. "Happy birthday Scar." He says.  We pull away and we go to the kitchen.

"You guys cooked breakfast?" I ask.

"It's birthday breakfast." I turn around to see Ric.  "Happy birthday Scarlett." Ric says.

"Thank you Ric." I hug him. We eat breakfast, Will and Jermey are civil which I was grateful for. 

We head to the Salvatore house to prepare the decorations, E stayed behind to pick up some stuff.

"Happy birthday. Wonder Twins." Damon says coming towards me, I smile and hug him. "Thank you." I smile.

"Thank you for letting us use your house." I smile.

"Yeah, now I can drink from fresh form the tap." He winks, I roll my eyes. "Where's the other Wonder twin?"

"Right here." Will says. Damon throws his something which he caches.

"A car?" Will asks.

"Happy birthday." Damon smiles we walk outside, we see a black BMW convertible,

"You got him a convertible." I say in awe.

"Yours is coming up." Damon says.

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