3. The End of the Affairs

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I wake with Dean besides me sleeping. I smile and get up quietly and head downstairs. I see Damon, Sam, and E.

"Morning." I greet.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Damon says, I roll my eyes at him as they cook.

"I just don't know why you're cooking." Damon says, Alaric enters

"Hey, Ric." Damon greets.

"Morning Ric." I grabbing two water bottles.

"What's up?" Ric greets.

"Breakfast." E asks.

"Ahh, it looks good. I'm pretty sure that's all Sam and Damon." Ric says.

"Mhm." Damon says.

"Dean's still sleeping?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, he's out cold." I say, Sam gives the look and I laugh.

"It's an old family recipe, ok?" Elena says.

"Yeah! No it's not, that's Zach's recipe, that has Zach all over." Damon smiles. We laugh, and Alaric look at us weirdly.

"Why are you here, exactly?" Ric asks.

"She knows." Damon says.

"He thinks I'm going to break. I'm not going to break. I am just going to keep making breakfast, pretend like I didn't just spend the entire summer looking for someone who didn't want to be found." Elena says.

"She's in denial." Damon says I shoot him a look.

"I'm not in denial." She whispers.

"I'm go open presents, I'll be bring some down in a bit." I take the water bottles and leave. I see Dean awake. "Morning princess." I say giving the a bottle.

"Morning." Dean says. "You have a pretty big bed." He says. I nod my head and I shake my head laughing.

"What?" He asks.

"You don't want to know." I say. I see him shiver and he gets up from the bed, I laugh. I sit at my vanity and look at the boxes, I open the one labeled by Uncle Stefan. It's a gown, it's so pretty.

The note says 'To my dear niece since you didn't attend your prom I got you a dress for your just in case."

I smile at the note and I pull out the dress. It takes my breathe away at how pretty it is.

"You'll look beautiful in it." Dean says. I smile and say "Thank you."

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful. My uncle knows me." I admire it. I grab a hanger and I hang it from the door. I open the other box, it's a yellow dress, and it has a picture, it's of my mom, dad, Will and I when we were babies, another one of my mom and dad, mom's pregnant.

I pull out a the dress, it's a beautiful simple yellow dress, I smile.

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