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Hey guys, so.....Here's why I was saying that this story in particular was personal to me. While you all already know that I add a little bit of myself in some form into all my stories, this one, I will be putting personal thoughts and experiences that I have gone through since I was eight years old after my father died. Believe it or not, I was diagnosed 'Clinically Depressed' and had gone through a living hell and nightmare through out school and most of my young adulthood. There were times I wanted to just give up and couldn't see any light, just complete darkness. I've been told, when telling my life story to some, that I should write a book about it and maybe one day I will. However, for now, I thought I would share some personal experiences within this story. I hope to inspire others who are in the darkness. Not to sound cliche of course but, I too have literally been to hell and even looked the devil in his eyes many times throughout my life. I have emotional and physical scars to prove the wars I have lived through but just know that no matter what you are going through, ride the wave. Let yourself feel what you feel and don't let ANYONE, tell you different. Don't let ANYONE tell you you aren't worth it, because you are! Things DO get better, I promise!! The depression parts in this story is what are from my personal experiences. But everything else is fictional.

I really think you guys will like this and will be warning all of those right now that have gone through hell and such that there will be trigger warnings, but I will try and not use too many. This is a beautiful story that I'm sure you will all love or at least enjoy and like.

For the record, depression isn't something you can just 'get rid of', but you CAN learn to deal with it and overcome it in a way. :)

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