CHAPTER 24: What Have I Done?!?

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I regret saying what I did to Meadow that night and I have been debating back and forth about talking to her.

It's been almost two weeks and every time I see her at school, I want to talk with her. I had even tried multiple times to message her but she hasn't responded so I believe that she wants nothing to do with me and frankly, I don't blame her.

"I guess I really fucked up this time." I tell Hamlet.

"I'll say. I mean, I understand where you are both coming from bro but honestly, she's the best you're ever gonna get." He hits me in the arm.

"Yeah I know. But she won't return my messages." I explain.

"Well don't give up so easily. Anything you want in life is never easy but is always worth it in the end. In fact, you should try and find her today and pull her aside and insist on talking with her." He suggests.

"You're right." I tell him.

"Hell yes I am. Actually, since it's lunch, you should go and try to find her." He mentions.

"Alright. Thanks." I tell him.

We do our bro handshake and I get up then try and go to find her but can't. So I thought maybe if I head towards her locker and wait for her, I'll see her.

But right as soon as I walked down the hallway towards her locker, I suddenly felt someone push me hard up against the locker and before I could say anything or even see who it was. I felt this person's lips smash onto mine with my eyes closed and I assume it's Meadow and start to kiss her back.

It didn't hit me until a moment after making out with her to open my eyes and as soon as I noticed it wasn't Meadow, I immediately pushed Sonya off of me hard causing her to almost stumble and fall.

"What the fuck!?!" I snapped at her as I spit out whatever taste was in my mouth and wiped off my lips.

I should have known it wasn't Meadow since I didn't have the amazing feeling inside of me that I always have with kissing her.

"What the hell is your problem!" She snaps at me.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I yell at her. "I swear Sonya that if you and your dad don't stay away, you'll both regret it!" I warn her and start heading out the door.

That fucking whore, how dare you do that! Shit, I mean, what if Meadow saw that?! She would have ruined my chances in ever getting back together with her for sure.

Throughout the rest of the day, I tried hard to get a hold of Meadow and couldn't seem to catch her at her locker or at school. In fact, I hadn't seen her all day.

So after school was over, I finally decided to head on over towards her house and hoped she would talk to me.

When I pulled up and started walking up to the house, a moment after I had rang the doorbell, I saw the door open and standing there in front of me was a man that looked to be in his late forties and seemed to look at me confused.

"Can I help you?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah, is Meadow here?" I ask.

"She is but she's not feeling too good. Can I give her a message?" He says.

"You must be her Uncle Martin." I say.

"Yes. Who are you?" He asks with a smile.

"I'm her boyfriend Ryker." I reply but don't know why I said that. We may not be together still and I did accuse him and his wife betraying her.

"It's nice to meet you. Meadow has said so much." He smiles.

I felt bad as I shook his hand because he has no clue yet as to what has happened between her and I.

Before anything else could be said or anything, we both hear the scream and cry of a woman upstairs followed by the shattering of dishes. Who I am assuming is her aunt. She calls for Martin.

He quickly runs up as I do after him and she is crying hysterically as she holds Meadow in her arms as one of Meadows' wrist and arms are bleeding.

"Call 911!" Martin yells out to me as he runs over and tries to help pick up Meadow.

She isn't the lightest girl and after I called for help, I ran in tearing up and quickly had gone over to help carry her downstairs.

She wasn't waking up. She wasn't moving. I felt this was all my fault. I even had forgotten that she was depressed as ever since we had been together, she seemed brighter and happier that I almost forgot her emotions were deep and vulnerable when the time came.

Fuck me, what the hell have I done?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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