CHAPTER 2: A New Face

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"AH!" I wince while holding the side of my head hoping this excruciating throbbing pain will go away. Then again, I guess that's what I get for drinking too damn much last night at my best friends, Neo's house. 

My annoying loud alarm clock doesn't help things neither and I just want to toss it across the room and smash it against the wall but of course, that's the reason for it, right?

I hear my phone then start to go off and notice it's a message from Neo reminding me that he is downstairs and that we needed to make sure we made it to school because I had only a few more times I was going to be aloud to be late for classes, otherwise, it could affect my graduation date. 

I struggle to hurry and try to get up to start taking a shower then finish getting ready for school.....School. What another word for hell or and prison. 

I can't wait to get out of this place in a few more months then leave this town and be rid of both my parents for good as I know they will be of me once I leave. 

I have never had a good relationship with my parents since the day they had me. They have never really truly been there in my life for events that parents should be there for and no matter how much I tried to impress them, I eventually gave up and stopped trying as I finally realized one day that they weren't going to change and that's who they were. 

They're rich and think that they can buy my love or me in general. They have always gotten me whatever I have asked for except for what I wanted the most, for them to really give a shit. I always thought that they wanted kids just to uphold a certain image. 

It sounds crazy to most but I really would like to have parents that care.....Oh well, no time for self-pity or self-loathing. 

After finally finishing up getting ready, I headed downstairs and we headed out to my car then took off towards school. 

We had seemed to get there just in time and met up with the rest of the guys that go to my school and that I'm friends with. 

I'm not popular however but I have enough TRUE friends that I know have my back always no matter what.

Now of course there are millions of different rumors going around the school and town about me that are maybe ten percent true. I just don't bother trying to prove otherwise because people are going to hate and think as well as believe whatever they want no matter how much evidence you show them. I only defend certain rumors if they have something to do with me personally such as spreading rumors about STD's and everything but since that hasn't happened, I just ignore the rest or just laugh. 

While walking in the halls towards first period, I noticed a new girl that was walking fast with her head down and hurrying towards the girl's bathroom. Reminds me of my first day at school. She shouldn't pay any attention to anyone. 

The warning bell rang for us all to start getting to class and be sure we were seated by the last second bell which was the last one that meant you better be in your seat if you want to make sure you aren't marked as being late/tardy.

Like usual the classes were boring and tiring. But I knew how serious it was that I paid attention and make sure I passed my classes otherwise that meant I wouldn't  be able to leave. My parents send me money every month to last me all month long and they don't know that I have been spending only a little bit of it and storing the rest away in a backpack to make sure that when I left, I had enough to last me a long time before I began working and earning my own money. 

During lunch, I had gone up to one of the vending machines we have here in our school and got some snacks and a drink before heading outside to meet up with my friends when I felt somebody bump into me. 

I looked and saw the girl I noticed earlier. The new girl. She seemed to have been shy and had her hair covering most of her face then got up and started grabbing the few items that spilled out of her messenger bag. 

I kneeled down and tried helping her then grabbed what looked to be her journal and then I suddenly noticed it being ripped from my hand. 

"I-I'm sorry." She says then hurries to get up and leaves down the hallway before I have a chance to even say 'hi' to her or anything. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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