CHAPTER 6: Made The Right Choice

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I was waiting by my car after school to see if Meadow would want a ride to her house and go over what information I have about when her car will be done.  

The guys had already taken off and I was gonna meet up with them later.

I was scrolling on my phone when I saw Meadow come walking out fast wiping her face as she looks to be crying. So I walk up to her and see what's going on.

"Hey Meadow. Are you okay?" I ask her. She looks up at me surprised and then shakes her head and begins to walk past me.

"I'm fine." She says.

"Well, can I at least give you a ride to your house?" I ask her.

"No." She replies while not stopping.

"Come on. Let me give you a ride." I catch up to stop her as I stand in front of her.

"Leave me alone." She says and tries to again walk around me but I block her.

"Come on. Please? Besides, we need to discuss your car." I tell her.

She's quiet for a moment and avoids eye contact with me until she finally nods her head and agrees.

"Fine." She says.

We then start walking back to the car and after taking off, I try and think of something to talk about with her.

"So I found out about the car. It'll be fixed and all ready for you to pick up in a few days." I tell her.

"Thanks." She says.

"You're welcome." I reply.

We sit there for a moment of silence before I ask something I didn't know if she wanted to or not and was honestly worried that she'd say no to but I wanted to give it a shot.

"So Friday there's this tailgating party we're having out by an old abandoned barn and I was thinking maybe you would want to go?"

I look a few times out the corner of my eye waiting for her to say something.

"I don't like parties or being around a lot of people." She says.

"I understand. Well, first of all, it's actually just me and my friends some others from school." I tell her.

"Will Sonya be there?" She asks.

"No. She's not invited." I smiled.

The closer we were getting to her house the more anxious I became in seeing if rather or not she'd go. Then we pulled up in front of her place.

"Okay. I'll go with you." She says. "Just let me know the address."

"No need. I'll come and get you." I smile at her.

She looks at me and again then nods her head.

"Okay." She says. "Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime." I replied.

She gets out and starts heading into her house as I watch her.

I'm glad she decided to go with me after all. Hopefully we can have fun and she can maybe even let loose a little and share a dance with me.

I was counting down for the next few days to go by real fast and hoping that they would slow down as soon as Friday night hit.

When it did finally arrive, I went to pick up Meadow and she was wearing jeans that hugged her curves just right, along with her hoodie? Man, she really must love that thing.

After she gets into my truck, we start taking off towards the lake where everyone is waiting at.

The moment as we pull up and get out, I put my tailgate down and I take down the coolers in the back of my truck and set them by the fire that Hamlet seemed to have started.

"Hey girl! So glad you came." Hamlet greeted Meadow.

"Thanks for inviting me." She says.

"Of course!" He winks at her. "Want a drink?" He asks.

"Sure." She says.

He walks her over to the cooler and she picks out a soda while I grab a beer and I walk over next to her and we sit down on a log that happens to be facing the fire and sit beside each other.

"I'm glad you came." I tell her.

She smiles a little and nods in agreement before taking a swig of her drink and I can tell she is still feeling shy and a little nervous. I hope I made the right choice and she doesn't have a panic attack or anything. I would feel beyond horribly guilty.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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