CHAPTER 15: I Feel Special

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Okay, never thought I would lose my virginity the way I did last night. Always hoped it would be special and with somebody that liked me in return and the fact that it actually happened, I am happy, no regrets, but still can't believe it.

We had fallen asleep in each others arms not too long after making love to each other.  Then woke up a few hours later and we headed upstairs to his room to finish sleeping comfortably in his bed.

Then when I woke up this morning, I noticed he wasn't laying beside me. So I text quickly Doreen to apologize and she says it's okay and not to worry.

Then I got up and got dressed to go look for him then headed downstairs where I heard him and some guy talking. Well, more like arguing.

I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I was curious as to what was going on though, so I slowly began walking downstairs and tried staying out of sight as I heard.

"I'm just doing what's best for you." I heard the gentleman say.

"You mean what's best for YOU." I heard Ryker snap.

"Son, I have done everything I can to try and give you everything you ever wanted. And this girl you're with, she could ruin our family name." The man says.

Son? Is that his father? And is he talking about me ruining the family's name? It's not like I'm marrying Ryker tomorrow or anything. I mean, we just started dating.

"I can't believe she told you. You know what dad? No matter what you say or whatever delusions you let choose to be your reality, don't include me in them. We both know Sonya is a bitch that needs to stay the hell out of my life." Ryker tells him.

"She is looking out for you. Not to mention the fact that you have an obligation you have to uphold. We made a deal and you need to keep it." His father tells him.

"I told you before that I will never stoop so low in ever working for you or taking over your company." Ryker tells him.

"We made a deal and you WILL keep it." His dad says. "I need to go. But we will talk about this later and remember what I told you." He says.

I try and hide as I hurry to stand with my back against the wall while still on the stairs making sure he doesn't see me. He doesn't as he continues to leave the house, shutting the door behind him.

Next I hear a loud breaking noise and quickly go into the kitchen to see if he's alright and see that he had just thrown a glass at the wall.

I stand there scared as I never thought he was the kind of person that would react that way when real upset.

He then turns and see's me with a look of embarrassment then tries calming down.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine. You just missed my dad." He says while turning to grab the dustpan and broom in the cabinet by the fridge and starts cleaning up the shattered glass pieces on the floor.

"Yeah, I kind of heard." I admit.

"How much did you hear?" He asks with a worried look on his face.

"Enough." I reply. "I think I should go." I tell him then start to leave and while walking towards the door, I grab my bag by the door and as soon as I try opening the door, he closes it as he reaches his hand out from behind me.

"No. Please don't go." He says.

"This will never work Ryker. You and your father have some sort of agreement and apparently me being with you will ruin that and your family name. Which I can't allow to happen because of me." I tell him.

"Look at me." He says as he turns me to face him.

"You are worth more to me than a name that my father already tainted a long time ago and there is no amount of money in this world that means more to me than you." He says as he looks deep into my eyes.

"Really?" I ask.

"Really." He smiles.

He leans in and gives me a kiss. A long and passionate one. Which I have fallen in love with. He's such a great kisser, boyfriend, in bed, just far.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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